Leng Xuan nodded, of course he remembered that the woman's arrogant attitude left a deep impression on him.

   "The person he sent to see you was intercepted and killed on the way before he had time to return to his life, so she did not dare to act rashly."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan secretly said. He was still thinking at the time, why Leng Yuehan didn't have a text, it turned out that the woman was killed.

"It should be almost time." At this time, Shang Dong put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, and looked at the mysterious building in the distance, "Brother Leng, how about a cooperation? Cao Zhi must have been eliminated, and now he will Only Zhang Yu and Wu Ming will be dealt with. After the two of them are dealt with, you and I will decide the outcome. How?"

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "This proposal is not bad." Zhang Yu and Wu Ming are a team, and if they want to fight against them, they can only join forces.

   "Let's go."

   At this moment, the two sides rushed to the mysterious building.

  Lengxuan entered from the north entrance of the building, Shangdong went to the south. After entering, Leng Xuan led the crowd not long before he saw a huge and empty cave. In that cave, there were corpses all over the place. Judging from their clothes, they were all men led by Cao Zhi.

   "Cao Zhi is gone." Wang Axe looked at the corpses around him and said, "His people are all dead here."

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, he had already expected this result. If Cao Zhi wasn't so impatient, there might be a glimmer of hope. Unfortunately, driven by greed, he was too eager for quick success.

  At this time, at the south entrance.

   At this time, Shang Dong walked in from the south passage with someone. Seeing the corpses everywhere, Shang Dong said, "Have you seen Zhang Yu and the others?"

  Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "Brother Wang, send someone to look around, there should be another way out here."

   King Axe responded, and immediately led people around. However, after a while, everyone found nothing. Except for the corpses all over the floor, no one else was found or a way out. "Impossible." Shang Dong said, "After Zhang Yu and the others came in, they never went out. They must have found another way out."

   "Not bad." Leng Xuan agreed. When looking from the outside, the area of ​​the building is huge, but the location they are now occupies at most less than one-tenth of the building. It can be seen that there must be other areas in this building, but there is no way to get to those areas.

   Just as Leng Xuan and Shang Dong were searching for clues, a loud 'bang' suddenly entered everyone's ears.

  Leng Xuan turned his head and saw that a wall to the east suddenly exploded, and several men who were looking for clues nearby were blasted out, and their bodies exploded directly, turning into a rain of blood.

   Before Leng Xuan could react, another loud noise came. Four loud bangs sounded around them respectively.

   With that loud noise, four black holes were blasted out of the originally stacked wall.

   Looking at the black hole, for some reason, Leng Xuan had an ominous premonition in his heart. At this time, Shang Dong made a gesture, and his men immediately approached the four black holes. However, when they approached the black hole, a powerful force suddenly surged out of the four black holes, sending all the more than ten men flying out.

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