smiled slightly, Leng Xuan said: "Sir Shang is quite able to enjoy it."

"Brother Leng laughed." Shang Dong held up the teacup and smiled lightly: "Actually, in our realm, it is difficult to make progress through blind cultivation. Rather than wasting time in cultivation, it is better to enjoy it. But then again, my enjoyment is mainly for meditation. If the mind is not quiet, how can I comprehend a higher realm, Brother Leng, what do you think?"

  Leng Xuan pondered: "It makes some sense. It seems that the realm of Lord Shang is higher than mine."

Shang Dong still kept his indifferent smile and said, "Everyone has different understandings and different realms, so it's impossible to say who is higher or who is lower. Brother Leng, take the liberty to ask, why did you come to Mausoleum City?" When he said this, he suddenly raised his head, those eyes that were not sharp but full of wisdom had already stayed on Leng Xuan's face, wanting to see if his answer was true or not.

   However, what Leng Xuan gave was just a rhetorical question: "Is the reason important?"

"It's not important, just a little curious." Shang Dong put down the tea in his hand and smiled lightly, "Although the mausoleum city is good, the mausoleum city is no longer the mausoleum city it used to be. Small ambitions and desires. In my opinion, this fight is really pointless."

   Oh, Leng Xuan said: "Lord Shang is quite open-minded, but, if that's the case, why should Lord Shang participate instead of choosing to stay out of it?"

Shang Dong smiled bitterly and said, "I said, I cultivate for myself, not for others. I work for Lord Lin because Lord Lin can provide me with everything I need without spending time on my own. Looking for. As a deal, all I put in is a little energy. Such a good thing, why reject it. To put it bluntly, the deal between us is to use each other, I use him to get what I want, he uses me to consolidate His status. Brother Leng, I am very puzzled, why do you want to work for Du Zhong. Although Du Zhong is also a force in the mausoleum city, he can't stand on the stage at all. In the mausoleum city, only Lin Hao and Leng Yuehan have the right to speak. Feng Qingliu, why didn't you choose them?"

   "Because I don't like working for others."

   "Really?" Shang Dong smiled, "So, you are only cooperating with Du Zhong, not serving him."


"That's good."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I don't want you to join any of them, including Lin Hao. Otherwise, this good show will be nothing to watch. You may not know that since you came to Lingcheng, Lin Hao, Feng Qingliu, And Leng Yuehan has been fighting secretly, and many people have died because of this, but others don't know about it."

   "Dark fight?"

"They all want to win over you, but no matter who they are, they don't want you to join the other side. Once you choose a faction, it will destroy the balance that the three forces have maintained for thousands of years. Lin Hao and the three of them all want to Be the one who disrupts the balance. Therefore, the three forces are trying their best to win over you. However, for now, none of them dare to be the first one. Once one of the forces is the first to contact you, the other two will never Just sit back and watch. You still remember that Leng Yuehan sent someone to look for you last time."

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