"Have Lin Hao's crew ever appeared?"

"No." Wang Fu said, "The person Lin Hao sent this time is Shang Dong, who is very famous in Lingcheng and has a high cultivation level. Although Zhang Yu and Cao Zhi have the same cultivation level as him, if a single pair of In the case of Shan, neither of them are Shang Dong's opponents. It is said that Shang Dong is the second strongest in Lingcheng."

   "Who is number one?"

   "I don't know, it may be the supreme powerhouse hidden among their three-way forces."

   "Okay, go and do your own thing."

After Wang Axe left, Leng Xuan found a clean place and sat down with his legs crossed. This time, the battle for the ghost cave was beyond his expectations, and it was estimated that no one outside had thought of it. In the past, only three supreme powerhouses appeared in each ghost cave competition, but this time there were five. So many uncertain factors are enough to affect the outcome of this battle.

  Thinking about it, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a tingling pain from the sea of ​​consciousness. The stinging pain was so sudden that it almost made him faint.

   "What's the matter?" He rubbed his sore forehead, looking confused. Although he had played against people in the ghost cave, he was not injured. Moreover, the stinging pain just now came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and it seemed that someone was attacking his consciousness.

   That sudden attack was only for a moment, and it never happened again after that. Leng Xuan exhaled, rubbed his forehead, and thought to himself.

   No matter who the opponent is, he is definitely not a simple person who can directly attack his consciousness. While thinking about it, Wang Axe came over from one side and said, "Brother Leng, there is news. Wan Lang explained that they have a gathering place in the ghost cave, and his subordinates and the supreme powerhouse may all be there. There."

   "That supreme powerhouse, do you have any information about him?"

   "That person's name is Wu Ming." Wang Axe said, "I only asked for the name, and the rest are not clear to Wan Lang, should we take action?"

   "No hurry, send someone over to inquire about the situation first." Leng Xuan replied. They are now broken by man, and the next move must be more careful. Moreover, with the current situation, whoever starts first will suffer. The best way is to let others do it first, wait until all parties consume a certain number of people, and then join the battle. However, those who can participate in the battle for the ghost cave are all smart people, and what he can think of, others can definitely think of. And before that, intelligence is the most important thing. Only by knowing the movements of the various forces can we make arrangements and take the next steps.

   After resting for a while, Leng Xuan felt a little drowsy, maybe it was the sequelae left by the attack on the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness. After explaining the king's axe, he found a relatively secluded place, sat cross-legged, and entered into meditation. A steady stream of soul power poured into his body, nourishing his body, and the drowsy feeling brought by the sea of ​​consciousness gradually diminished. But at this time, Leng Xuan only felt that there was something more in the sea of ​​consciousness. Before he could react, a strange and mysterious force suddenly descended. That feeling, as if the soul was pulled out of the body and inhaled into a vast sea of ​​clouds.

  Leng Xuan's complexion changed slightly as he looked at the vast whiteness around him, and there was an uneasy feeling in his heart. In this vast sea of ​​clouds, no one could be seen, and there was only a piece of white in sight. "Anyone?" he shouted loudly, hoping someone would respond. He believed that there must be a reason for his sudden appearance in such a place.

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