"There is no victory or defeat." The man replied, "According to the information we found, Zhang Yu and Leng Xuan didn't make a move. For some reason, Zhang Yu suddenly ordered to retreat. However, what is interesting is that Luo Shuai's troops are in their camp. , there is also a supreme powerhouse."

   "Oh?" The man in Chinese clothes straightened up and asked with interest, "Do you know the identity of the other party?"

   "According to the person's dress and cultivation, I think that person is likely to be the supreme powerhouse, Wu Ming, who is hiding in the dark under Leng Yuehan."

   "It's him?" The man in Chinese clothes murmured, "Lord Lin once secretly investigated, but unfortunately, he has never been able to see the other party's true face and judge the identity of that person. If it is him, it will be interesting."

"My lord, Luo Shuai should have cooperated with Leng Yuehan. For nearly a thousand years, every time we compete for the ghost cave, our chances of winning have accounted for 60%, Feng Qingliu accounted for 30%, and Leng Yuehan only accounted for 10%. He Chang, if it goes on like this, the distance between Leng Yuehan and us will be widened sooner or later. I think he must not be reconciled, so he secretly attracted Luo Shuai and sent a supreme powerhouse to his camp. Cooperation is equivalent to dispatching two supreme powerhouses, and the winning rate is greatly increased."

   "Your speculation is very reasonable." The man in Chinese clothes smiled, "However, even so, they can't change anything. Find a way to pass the news to Cao Zhi and let him know, so as not to fall into Zhang Yu's plan."

   "Would you like to inform Leng Xuan?"

  The man in Chinese clothes thought for a while and said, "No need, Zhang Yu retreated temporarily, presumably the two of them reached an agreement, let's ignore him for the time being and continue to investigate, I want to know all their whereabouts."

"Yes, sire." After a pause, the man continued: "Sir, where Leng Xuan and Wu Ming fought, there was a strange mountain, and there was a building hidden inside that mountain. If it wasn't for Leng Xuan and the two fighting When it destroyed the surface of the mountain, it is estimated that no one will be able to find the existence of that building."

   "Is there such a thing? Have you sent someone to check it?"

   "I checked, but that place has been abandoned for many years. Sir, you said... Could it be the place where the Lord of Lingcheng used to retreat and practice?"

  The man in Chinese clothes said: "You can leave this matter alone, tell me the place, and I will handle it myself."

   rushed all the way, and it didn't take long for Leng Xuan to find the place where Wang Axe and the others were temporarily stationed. After the two met, Wang Axe briefly reported the situation.

   "Brother Leng, we lost eight people, and more than ten people were slightly injured."

   "It's okay, Wanlang's losses are more serious than ours. By the way, what about Wanlang people, have you dealt with it?"

   "Not yet, I'm interrogating him." Wang Fu said, "He is a popular man around Luo Shuai. He should know a lot about the details of this operation. Maybe we can dig out some useful information from him."

   "You can decide this matter. Is there any news from the other forces?"

   "I haven't found it yet. It's still a long time before the half-month time limit. Until the end, the forces of all parties will not be real, at most they will try it out first."

   "Don't worry about Zhang Yu's side for now." Leng Xuan said. Zhang Yu promised him that he would do one thing for him, so there is no need to touch him now. Cao Zhishen was seriously injured, and it is estimated that he has already hid to heal his injuries, and will not show up for a short time. On the other hand, Lin Hao's people have not heard any news since they came in.

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