"Okay, notify everyone and transfer immediately." Leng Xuan quickly gave the order. However, before the order was conveyed, someone came to the news that Zhang Yu had arrived with a large number of troops and blocked their escape route. "It seems that there is only one fight." Leng Xuan said solemnly, "Brother Wang, let's go and meet Zhang Yu together." Leaving the mountain, Leng Xuan immediately saw that they were standing side by side not far away. Hundreds of elites. In the front, there was a person standing with a straight posture. The man's appearance is very young. From the appearance alone, he is about the same age as Leng Xuan, with fine bangs hanging from his forehead, and his posture is elegant and unrestrained.

   "You are that Leng Xuan?" Zhang Yu looked at him and said with a half smile.

   "It's down here." Leng Xuan was very calm. "How old are you this year?" Zhang Yu asked suddenly, this question made Leng Xuan unable to respond for a while.

   "What do you ask this for?"

"It's nothing, it's just pure curiosity." Zhang Yu smiled, "It took me more than 4,000 years to break through to the supreme realm and be regarded as a genius. I am afraid that no one can surpass me in this aspect. , even the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts. But, I don't know what's going on, I feel like you seem younger than me."

  Leng Xuan asked indifferently: "Is this very important?"

   "I said, it's just my personal curiosity."

   "Then I'd better not say it, lest you get hit."

   Hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help laughing, "So, my guess is correct, you are younger than me. How long did it take you to break through the supreme realm? Two thousand years? Or three thousand years?"

   "I said, it's better if you don't know." Leng Xuan emphasized again.

"The more you say that, the more I want to know. I'm good at everything, but I'm too curious. If you don't meet my requirements, I won't give up easily." After a pause, he continued. : "Or... let's make a deal, you answer my question, and I will immediately retreat with my subordinates. How?"

   "Really?" Leng Xuan was a little surprised, Zhang Yu was too good to pass up. It seems that Wang Axe is right, this guy's personality is really weird.

   "I, Zhang Yu, do what I say and never break my promise. If you don't believe me, you can ask your subordinates. Anyone from Lingcheng knows my Zhang Yu's character."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned to look at the king axe beside him, who nodded slightly. Seeing this, he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, it's a deal." As he spoke, he slowly stretched out a finger. "A thousand years?" Zhang Yu was surprised, "You only spent a thousand years? This is impossible!"


Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It scared me to death, I thought you only spent a thousand years to break through to the supreme. Since it is not a thousand years, it is ten thousand years, it seems to be my intuition wrong."

"Your intuition is correct." Leng Xuan corrected, "I said it before, you better not know, lest you be hit. You have used it for more than 4,000 years, but I have only used it for a hundred years. To be precise, It's less than a hundred years." As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked by his words, even Wang Axe and the others were no exception.

   "One hundred years?" Zhang Yu's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears, "You said... a hundred years?"

   "It's less than a hundred years."

   "No! It's impossible!"

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