"Interesting." The middle-aged man pondered for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "In the past, every time we fought for the ghost cave, we were three parties fighting, but now that there is a Leng Xuan, this game has become more and more interesting. I'll let you know. We will try our best to search for Cao Zhi's whereabouts. Since he was seriously injured, we must not miss this opportunity." Hearing this, the subordinate nodded and asked, "Lord Shang, what about Leng Xuan? , do you want to take action?"

"No need for now." The middle-aged man said, "Leng Xuan's ability to seriously injure Cao Zhi shows that the opponent's means are very strong. Let others fight him first, find out his details, and then we will take action." After a pause, He added: "Send a few people to search for Leng Xuan's whereabouts. After finding it, leak the news to Leng Yuehan's people and let them contact Leng Xuan first. By the way, is there any news from Luo Shuai's men?"

   "Not yet. However, as far as I know, Luo Shuai seems to be unwilling to be lonely this time, and has sent Wan Lang, his most capable subordinate."

"Wan Lang?" The middle-aged man laughed. "I've heard of this person. He is the No. 2 person under Luo Shuai. Luo Shuai actually sent him here. There must be some backing. Let's investigate." He walked slowly to the gazebo in the lake. At this time, some people have already brewed fragrant tea. In the pavilion, there was a beautiful woman in cool clothes, sitting on a stone chair, plucking the guqin on the table, and the sound of high and flowing water poured out from it.

   "Brother Wang, I heard that the city lord of Lingcheng is in seclusion and training in a ghost cave?" After a long rest, Leng Xuan chatted with Wang Axe while he was free.

"That's right." Wang Axe nodded and said, "The city lord of the mausoleum has been closed in the ghost cave for thousands of years, but no one has ever been able to find his cultivation cave in the ghost cave. It is estimated that many people have forgotten about the mausoleum now. The existence of the city lord only knows the five major forces in the mausoleum city."

   "How long have you been in Lingcheng?"

"It's been almost a thousand years." Wang Fu said, "When I first came to Lingcheng, I couldn't find a place to live because I didn't have enough soul-locking bottles and red soil, so I had to go through life and death. Fortunately, I was lucky and made me go well. I passed through. Later, Master Du found me and said that he appreciated me very much and wanted me to join his forces. Master Du is a good person, and he is more sincere than Luo Shuai and the others, so I agreed to his request. "

   "There are many people in Lingcheng who come here because they have no way to go, or are forced to come here. Why is Brother Wang?"

   "This..." Wang Axe hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "There's nothing to say. Entering Mausoleum City is like saying goodbye to your past."

   While the two were chatting, a man suddenly ran over and said anxiously, "Sir, it's not good, Leng Yuehan's people are here."

   Wang Axe looked startled, and quickly asked: "Do you see who it is?" The other party replied: "The leader is Zhang Yu."

   "Zhang Yu?" Wang Axe said in surprise, "It's actually him." Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked, "You know that Zhang Yu very well?"

"Zhang Yu was invited by Leng Yuehan to enshrine him. That guy is a genius. He broke through to the supreme level in just a few thousand years. However, this person's behavior is a bit strange, and no one can understand his routine. Brother Leng, In my opinion, there is no need for us to fight with them now, we should save our strength first, and it will not be too late for us to fight when the three sides are almost at the same level."

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