"Who are you to speak to me like this?" The messenger glanced at him and scolded: "Shut up, otherwise, I..."


   Before the messenger could finish speaking, a loud slap fell.

   "You..." The messenger covered his red and swollen face and said angrily, "You dare to hit me?"

   "You dare to say nonsense again, believe it or not I killed you?"

   "You...you are..." At this moment, the messenger seemed to have thought of something, his face changed greatly, and he quickly swallowed the words from his mouth, not daring to say any more.

   "Yan Chengfeng, give you a jolt of incense, I'll wait for you outside." The messenger didn't dare to look at Leng Xuan, and hurriedly retreated.

   "This guy still has some eyesight." Leng Xuan said. That messenger is a strong man at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and he can easily slap him, which is enough to explain a lot. The subject obviously thought of this too, and was so afraid of him.

   "I'm making you laugh." Yan Chengfeng sighed, "I, Yan Chengfeng, actually messed up like this."

"Since you still remember that you are Yan Chengfeng, then show the courage you should have. Being a man is not about letting others down, but the most important thing is not to let yourself down. I hope to see from you that you are not afraid of that day. Yan Chengfeng, who is not afraid of the earth."

   Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng suddenly smiled and nodded: "I understand. You wait for me in Jiusui City, I will come back when I see the King of Hell... if I can come back."

After    Yan Chengfeng left, there was no news for five days. Leng Xuan stayed in Jiusui City and couldn't help but feel a little worried. He asked Elder Yuan several times to inquire about the news, but to no avail. On this day, Leng Xuan had just left the room when he saw Elder Yuan walking over quickly.

   "Elder Yuan, do you have news about your city lord?"

   "Not at the moment." Elder Yuan said, "Master Leng, the King of Hell sent someone here to invite you."

   "Please me?" Leng Xuan was a little startled, and then he reacted. In front of the messenger that day, he showed the cultivation of the supreme powerhouse, and the other party must have reported this matter to the King of Hell. Among the yellow springs, apart from the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts, there are not many supreme powerhouses. At present, only three people are known. They are the two subordinates of the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts, including the man next to Qiao Er. Therefore, whether it is for the King of Hell or the King of Ghosts, the appearance of a supreme powerhouse, as long as it is used properly, is enough to change the current situation of Huang Quan. After figuring this out, Leng Xuan asked, "Where are the people?"

   Under the leadership of Elder Yuan, Leng Xuan soon met the people sent by the King of Hell. The other party was a man with an ordinary appearance, a very slender figure, and an indifferent look in his eyes. From the outside, it looks like he is in his thirties. Seeing the man, Elder Yuan saluted and said respectfully, "Master Wei, Hall Master Leng is here."

   "Master Wei?" Hearing Elder Yuan's address to the man, Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he immediately knew the identity of this man. Last time Yan Chengfeng mentioned to him that there was a supreme powerhouse beside the King of Hell, whose name was Wei Han. This person's surname is Wei, coupled with Elder Yuan's respectful attitude, and the special temperament that the other party inadvertently revealed, it seems that Wei Han is him. The King of Hell actually sent him here, which shows that he attaches great importance to himself.

   "You are Leng Xuan?" The other party glanced at him and said, "In Xia Weihan, at the request of the King of Hell, I would like to invite Hall Master Leng to go to Turtle City for a chat."

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