Yan Chengfeng snorted coldly and said, "The city of Jiusui has been breached. If these people die, then my capital in Huangquan will be gone. Besides, I have lost a city, can the King of Hell still blame me? "

   Soon, the soldiers in charge of the attack retreated. When everyone rushed back to Jiusui City, Jiusui City had already become a dead city, and there were corpses everywhere.

   "These bastards... Sooner or later I'm going to kill them."

   "Don't think about it so much, as long as you're fine, you will rise one day." Leng Xuan said, "Take care of everything first."

   Early next morning. After a busy night, Jiusui City's body was finally cleaned up, and some vitality was restored. Leng Xuan stayed with Yan Chengfeng for one night, and was about to return to his room to rest, but heard Elder Yuan report that the messenger sent by the King of Hell had come again. You don't need to think about it, the other party will definitely be held accountable.

   "City Lord Yan, why didn't you obey the orders of the King of Hell and retreated without permission? Do you know how much damage you have caused to the King of Hell's plan?"

"You should have seen those corpses when you entered the city. Last night, I was ordered to send troops to attack Qiao Lei, but Qiao Lei took advantage of it, broke my city, and killed so many people. I would like to ask, Qiao Lei. How did you know the news?"

"Are you blaming the King of Hell?" the messenger said coldly, "City Lord Yan, don't blame me for not reminding you, speak carefully. Also, this Nine Sui City was given to you by the King of Hell, and all those who died belonged to the King of Hell. Your subordinates are not yours, you must remember this clearly and don't confuse it. Why does Qiao Er know this? You should ask yourself this question, not me. Someone in your subordinates must have leaked the news. "

"Impossible." Yan Chengfeng said, "Before the action, only me and a few of my confidants knew. It was not until Tianyang City that I told my subordinates about the mission of this trip. They couldn't have informed Qiao Er in advance. The fact that Qi can send troops to attack Jiusui City shows that she is well prepared."

   "Then you mean that the King of Hell disclosed the news to Qiao Yan?" Chu Cheng said coldly, "City Lord Yan, if the King of Hell hears what you said, you should know the consequences without me saying it."

   "I haven't said that yet. What I mean is that there may be Qiao Ye's spies beside the King of Hell. I hope you will tell the King of Hell and let him investigate the people around him."

"Bold!" the messenger scolded, "Yan Chengfeng, this time you disrespected the order of the King of Hell and retreated privately, so that the plan made by the King of Hell failed, and now you still have the face to accuse the King of Hell, I think you have a long life. From now on, you are no longer the lord of Jiusui City."

   "You are not eligible to cancel my status."

"Who said that?" The messenger took out a token and said, "Before I came, the King of Hell had already entrusted me with full authority over this matter. This token represents the power bestowed on me by the King of Hell. Yan Chengfeng, follow me immediately. Go back to meet the King of Hell and accept the punishment."

   Looking at the token, Yan Chengfeng's face was a little ugly.

   "Why, you even disobey Hades' orders?" the messenger said coldly.

   "Give me a moment, I'll go with you after I arrange things here."

   "I said, you are no longer the city lord of Jiusui City. Don't repeat this sentence, I want you to come with me immediately."

   "I said, don't be so impersonal, what can you do later." Leng Xuan, who was beside him, couldn't listen anymore and said.

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