In this Shura city, there is no sound, everyone is absolutely silent, and there is no sound even when walking. In addition, Leng Xuan also noticed that there were not many people in this Shura city, and the streets were very deserted. Xiao Fan said that this Shura City is a city under the jurisdiction of the Ghost King, and information about the Ghost King should be found here. And the best way to get information is to go to the ruler of the city.

   Generally speaking, the city lord will live in the central area of ​​​​the city. When Leng Xuan came to the center of the city, a pitch-black palace suddenly appeared in his sight. Outside the palace, two guards stood still. The two guards were wearing a set of black armor, holding spears in their hands, awe-inspiring.

  Leng Xuan walked to the two guards, bowed his hands and said, "In Xia Lengxuan, I want to ask to see the city lord of your city, can you please let me know."

   The two guards looked at each other and then focused on Leng Xuan. Seeing that the two did not respond, Leng Xuan was about to speak again. But at this time, the two guards suddenly waved the spears in their hands and stabbed him. Seeing this, Leng Xuan was startled, and hurriedly flew back a few meters and said solemnly, "Why are you two?"

   However, the two guards didn't reply to him, and charged directly with their spears. "Bang! Bang!" With two loud noises, the spear fell to the ground, splashing countless rubble. Under the powerful force, two big holes were blasted out of the ground. The movement outside the palace quickly attracted the guards in the palace. Seeing dozens of guards rushing out of the palace one after another, Leng Xuan frowned, and immediately flew out of the city. "Sister, what the **** is this place, it's illegal to say anything."

   After a few ups and downs, he had already rushed to the gate of the city. But at this moment, the city gate that was originally opened is slowly closing. Moreover, more than a dozen guards at the city gate stood side by side, preparing to intercept him. Cursing secretly, Leng Xuan pointed his toes, and his speed increased again, like a gust of wind, swept away towards the group of guards.

   But hearing a loud 'bang', the closed city gate was suddenly broken open. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leng Xuan moved his body and quickly galloped out, leaving those chasing guards far behind. After a while, after confirming that five people were following him, Leng Xuan stopped and landed on a hill dozens of miles outside the city.

   "What the **** is going on?" Leng Xuan wondered in his heart. He just said a word, the other party is about to fight and kill, is it a taboo?

   "I knew this earlier, I should ask Xiao Fan when I came out." After thinking about it, he rushed out of Shura City again. But this time, instead of entering the city, he stayed outside Shura City, waiting for someone to pass by. Before long, a man appeared in his sight.

   Seeing the other party approaching, Leng Xuan hurriedly made a gesture to signal the other party to stop. "This friend, is there something wrong?" The man asked in a friendly tone.

   "Finally met someone who can talk." Leng Xuan smiled secretly, and then said: "I want to ask if there are any rules in this Shura city, why are you not allowed to speak after entering the city?"

The man smiled and said: "You must be new here. The city lord of Shura City has planted a very strange plant. That plant must grow in an absolutely quiet environment. If there is any noise, it will affect that plant. plant.

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