"Here, this is the red soil you want." Looking at a piece of red soil the size of Xiao Fan's fist, Leng Xuan was stunned, and asked, "That's it?"

   "Otherwise, how much do you want?" Xiao Fan said, "If it wasn't for me in the village, you wouldn't even think about getting this red clay."

   "How do I use this?" Leng Xuan was not interested in arguing about the quantity of clay anymore, he just wanted to find what he wanted as soon as possible, and then leave this hellish place.

   After listening to Xiao Fan's teaching, Leng Xuan held the piece of red clay, his mind moved, and the power of soul slowly poured into it. In an instant, a strange light burst out from the red earth, covering his body. Immediately afterwards, the red clay gradually melted like an ice cube, and flowed all over his body along his arm like water. In a short time, his whole body was covered by the red. After a while, as the strange light dissipated, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that his body was gradually hardening, like a real body.

   Looking at the body that had condensed and formed, Leng Xuan said, "Can you give me a set of clothes?"

   After changing into the clothes Xiao Fan borrowed, Leng Xuan tried to move his body. Although this flesh body is transformed from red clay, the effect is not much different from the real flesh body.

   "Is it alright?" Xiao Fan said, "Remember, this flesh body can only last for ten days. Once the time limit is up, the flesh body will disappear unless you continue to replenish it with red clay."

   "Understood." After finishing the words, Leng Xuan asked, "Have you ever heard of the fruit of life and death after staying in Huangquan for so long?"

   "The fruit of life and death?" Xiao Fan was surprised, "Why are you asking this?"

  Leng Xuan said indifferently: "Just tell me if you know."

   "Of course you know, as long as you are in Huangquan, no one knows the fruit of life and death. The fruit of life and death is a sacred relic of Huangquan, and there are very few. Among Huangquan, only two people have the fruit of life and death."

   "Which two people?"

   "The King of Hell and the King of Ghosts."

   "Huh? Is there really a King of Hell in this yellow spring?"

"Of course there is the king of hell, but it's not the king of **** you imagined. I said that the king of **** and the king of ghosts are the leaders of the two major forces in Huangquan, and they dominate Huangquan. You don't want to steal the fruit of life and death, right? If so, I I advise you to give up as soon as possible, and don't lose your life by then."

   "That's my business, you just need to tell me where to find the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts."

"I don't know, they all live in the center of Huangquan, and I have always lived in this village, and I don't know much about the outside world. However, if you want to find them, you can go to Shura City, that city is Under the jurisdiction of the ghost king. Go north from here, and you will arrive in about a day's journey."

   "Okay, I see." Leng Xuan got up and said, "Little brother, see you in the future."

   said goodbye to Xiao Fan, and Leng Xuan set off and hurried north. According to Xiao Fan, it takes a day's journey. However, it only took Leng Xuan an hour to reach the Shura City. Although it is only the body of the soul, his cultivation is still there after all. Looking at the Shura City in front of him, Leng Xuan's first feeling was gloomy. The city walls outside the city are made of black stones. Not only that, but almost the same color from the inside to the outside gives people a very depressing feeling.

  Leng Xuan walked into the city, watching the flow of people on the street, secretly amazed.

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