After a while, he felt the men gallop past his head and move forward. After confirming that those people were gone, Leng Xuan stuck his head out and looked around carefully. Seeing that there was no one around, he immediately got up and walked quickly to the depths of the swamp. Now that there are more of these people in the swamp, Leng Xuan's situation is even more dangerous. It is necessary to guard against alien beasts, but also guard against these guys, which makes him a little more than enough. As he walked several hundred meters forward, Leng Xuan suddenly heard a loud 'bang' in front of him.

   Hearing that voice, it seemed that someone was making a move ahead. At the moment, he increased his speed and ran towards the direction from which the sound bed came. After a while, he saw the men he had seen before appear in his sight. Among the several men, one man was lying in the mud, his head was pierced by a sharp arrow between his eyebrows, and he died on the spot. Several other men were surrounding the body of their companions, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Seeing the sharp arrow, Leng Xuan immediately thought of the white curtain.

   That fatal blow must have come from the white curtain. Just as Leng Xuan was thinking about it, he only heard the sound of 'swish, swish', and two sharp arrows burst out of the air again and flew towards the men. The speed of the two sharp arrows was extremely fast, and it took almost less than a second from hearing the sound to the time when the two sharp arrows sank into the man's body.

   If there is no strong strength, it is difficult to respond in such a short time. Two sharp arrows took two lives. At this moment, only one man is still alive on the field. He looked around in horror, and said loudly: "Who is it? Give me something! I am a member of the Wanxian League. If you dare to kill us, my Wanxian League will never let go..." He said Before the word 'you' could be uttered, a light flashed out, directly piercing his eyebrows.

   "The Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals..." Leng Xuan frowned secretly. He was actually a member of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals. Since they appeared here, Qin Ming might also be here.

   At this time, I saw a person walking slowly out of the grass not far away, it was the white curtain. He walked to the corpses, looked at them, turned around and prepared to leave.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately called out, "Friend Bai Xian." Hearing his voice, Bai Lian turned his head, frowned at him, and said, "Why are you still here?"

   "I said, I won't leave if I don't find my friend." Leng Xuan said firmly. "Whatever you want." Bai Lian replied casually, then pointed at the corpses and asked, "Have you heard of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, I think...they should be rushing I came."

"You?" Bai Lian didn't believe, "Your cultivation base is completely useless, but you are just an ordinary person, why would they spend so much effort against you?" Leng Xuan said, "Although your cultivation base is useless, as long as I am still alive, Some people can't feel at ease." Bai Lian said with a 'heh', "So, you are still a big man?" After he finished speaking, he raised the bow in his hand and was about to leave. "Friend Bai Xian, what are you doing?" Leng Xuan chased the other side and asked.

"Of course it was murder." Bai Lian said coldly, "No one else is welcome here, whoever dares to break in privately will be killed." Having said that, he glanced at Leng Xuan and said, "The same is true for you, if If you go any further, don't blame me for being rude." As the words fell, he pointed his toes a little and disappeared from Leng Xuan's eyes.

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