Leng Xuan shook his head and said firmly: "No, I will never leave until I find her."

  Although he didn't know Su Yurou's current whereabouts, he could tell from Bai Lian's words that Su Yurou should be in this area. Even if Bai Lian refused to help him, he would continue to look for it. "Since you're looking for death, then you can go, I won't stop you." Bai Lian snorted softly and walked out of the cave.

   "Friend Bai Xian!" Seeing this, Leng Xuan hurriedly chased out. However, after he chased out of the cave, he saw that the other party had already disappeared, and he did not know where to go.

   "That's it." Leng Xuan sighed secretly. Although he couldn't win Bai Lian's help, he was a contented person. Not only did he make sure that Su Yurou was here, but also the psychic eyes on him lost their effect. In this way, the demon emperor would not be able to know his actions. . Thinking of this, he cheered up and continued to head towards the depths of the swamp. At this time, outside the swamp, the demon emperor was leading a group of people, looking coldly at the swamp in front of him.

   "Great Emperor, what are we doing here?" asked Qin Ming, who was standing beside the Demon Emperor. "Leng Xuan is here." The Demon Emperor said slowly, "I can't sense his existence anymore, which means Tongxin Eye has lost its effect." After he finished speaking, he paused and said, "Qin Ming, you haven't always been. Do you want to take his life? Now is an opportunity. He doesn't have any cultivation base right now, as long as you find him, you can easily kill him."

   Hearing this, Qin Ming immediately said, "I'll go right away." With that, he waved his hand, and with hundreds of his men, quickly rushed into the swamp. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Thinking that Leng Xuan would die in his hands, he felt a burst of excitement, "Leng Xuan, it's time to end the grievances of the past."

  The further you go deeper into the swamp, the harder the road becomes. Leng Xuan frowned secretly as he looked at the surrounding environment. There is all mud around here, and the mud water is very deep, and it may sink in if you are not careful. He is alone now and has no strength. He has to be careful about the terrain here and guard against alien beasts that may appear at any time. His spirit can be said to be highly concentrated. After walking this far, his stamina was almost exhausted. Taking a breath, he found a thick dead tree and climbed up along the trunk. Sitting at a high place to rest can not only avoid some dangers, but also detect the surrounding movement in time.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan did not know that Qin Ming was leading someone to hunt him down. The only thing he wanted right now was to find Su Yurou as soon as possible and take her out of here.

   After a short rest, Leng Xuan suddenly heard a sound coming from behind him. Taking a closer look, I saw several men galloping towards here. Looking at the clothes of the men, they were relatively unfamiliar, and it was impossible to see where they came from. However, at this time, appearing in this place, I am afraid it is not a good pile. Moreover, he guessed that it was most likely someone sent by the Demon Emperor. Tongxin's eyes have been ineffective on him, and the demon emperor must know this. In order to prevent himself from escaping from his grasp, he sent someone over to find him. Thinking of this, he immediately jumped down from the tree, held his breath, and sank his body into the muddy water.

   The muddy water here is nearly half a meter deep, sinking to the bottom, just enough to cover his body.

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