Zhou Li nodded and asked, "That person arrested us because he wanted to use us against Leng Xuan?"

   "It should be." Xiaoyun encouraged, "Don't be afraid, I believe Leng Xuan will save us."

   Three days passed quickly. In the shrine, Leng Xuan sat in the room, frowning. The three-day deadline given to him by the Demon Emperor has come, but he has not made a decision yet. The Demon Emperor had a clear grasp of his every move, even if he wanted to remind King Qingye, he couldn't do it. However, he couldn't ignore the safety of Zhou Li and Xiaoyun. Whether it is King Aoba or Xiaoyun, they are very important to him. Without King Qingye, he would lose the capital to fight against the demon emperor. If Zhou Li and Xiaoyun had any problems, then he would have a bad conscience, because he caused all this.

   "How is it, have you made a choice?" At this moment, the voice of the demon emperor sounded slowly in his mind. "How about we change the conditions?" Leng Xuan asked.

"What are the conditions?" Leng Xuan said: "As long as you let my friend go, I promise that I will no longer be your enemy in the future, and I will leave the fairyland and never appear in front of you again." The Demon Emperor said: "What about King Qingye?" Leng Xuan said: "You should know that King Qingye has no heart to fight. If I hadn't awakened her, she is still living an ordinary life in the secular world, so I can tell her You promise that she will not pose a threat to you."

   "That being said, how can I trust you?" said the demon emperor. "As long as you agree, I can abolish my cultivation." Leng Xuan replied. This is what he came up with after three days of thinking. Only in this way can the lives of King Aoba and Xiaoyun be saved. Although his sacrifice was great, he was willing to do so.

   After saying this, the Demon Emperor did not respond for a long time, as if he was considering whether to agree or not. After a while, the voice of the demon emperor sounded again: "Yes, I agree with your conditions. I will tell you a location later, you can go there alone." Leng Xuan replied: "Okay." After that, Leng Xuan He went out alone, without notifying anyone, and left the shrine. However, shortly after he left, two people followed in the shrine, and it was King Aoba who followed Fenglie.

   "What is Leng Xuan going to do? You don't even say hello to us." Feng Lie said strangely. "It seems that my worries are correct." King Aoba replied.

   After rushing all the way for half an hour, Leng Xuan finally arrived at the place the Demon Emperor said. It was a wasteland, surrounded by many sunken pits.

   After about a quarter of an hour, Leng Xuan heard the sound of breaking through the sky above his head. Immediately, several people fell from the sky and landed opposite him. Among the four people on the opposite side, in addition to the demon emperor and Qin Ming, there are two other people, it is Zhou Li and Xiaoyun. Seeing the two of her, Leng Xuan asked, "Are you all okay?"

   Xiaoyun nodded, indicating that she was fine. Zhou Li didn't reply, her eyes looked at Leng Xuan quietly, her eyes were complicated, she didn't know what she was thinking.

   "Leng Xuan, I have already brought the people, now it's time for you to keep your promise." The Demon Emperor said with his hands behind his back. Hearing this, Leng Xuan nodded and said, "No problem." As the words fell, his whole body shone with light, and a powerful aura surged out in an instant. At the same time, a faint golden light emerged from his dantian.

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