Xiaoyun said: "If you really want to ask me how I feel, I can only say that you are more curious than surprised." Hearing this, Zhou Li looked at Xiaoyun's calm eyes and said, "Why? Don't you know? The existence of gods?"

Xiaoyun glanced at her and nodded lightly: "I do know." Her words made Zhou Li widen her eyes again, her face full of surprise, "You... you really know? Why didn't you hear it before? Did you say that?" Xiaoyun walked to the bed, sat down beside Zhou Li, took her hand and said, "There are many mysterious existences in this world, these existences are unknown to ordinary people. In the world..." Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zhou Li and asked, "The world of the world?"

Xiaoyun nodded and said: "Yes, the world we live in is called the world of the world, not only the world of the world, but also the world of self-cultivation. These two worlds are combined into one, and it becomes the world we live in. Cultivators, believe that You are not unfamiliar with this name, you should have seen such a person on TV. Compared with ordinary people, cultivators are powerful beings who can do almost everything. Above cultivators, they are Immortal, the world we live in now is called Immortal World, and it is also the place where immortals live." Zhou Li was startled for a while before questioning: "That immortal...he...why did he arrest us?"

   "I think it might have something to do with Leng Xuan." Xiaoyun replied. "Leng Xuan?" Zhou Li said in surprise, "You mean... Leng Xuan is also an immortal?"

   "Yes." Xiaoyun replied. "It turns out... it turns out that he is an immortal. No wonder it's been hard to see him for so long. It turns out that we live in different worlds." Zhou Li lowered her head and muttered to herself, "I thought..." Xiaoyun Then: "Why?"

"It's nothing." Zhou Li changed the subject and said, "Xiaoyun, do you know this, did Leng Xuan tell you?" Xiaoyun said: "No. I really wanted to enter his life, but I always felt that there was a gap between me and him. At that time, he was just a cultivator, and I was just an ordinary person. Later, I met some people, they Tell me, it can make me a cultivator. At that time, I thought, if I also become a cultivator, maybe it can shorten the distance between me and him. With this idea, I chose to join that organization. "

"However, some things are always out of our control. Although I successfully became a member of that organization, what they asked me to do happened to be against Leng Xuan. Because of this, not only did I fail to get closer The relationship between each other made him very angry. Because of this, we have experienced a lot of things. Later, with his assistance, I quit the organization and returned to a normal life. During that time, I believe you also know , My relationship with him was detached, and I was very afraid to see him at that time, because I knew I had let him down. It was not until a long time later that our relationship eased."

   "Then you are a cultivator now?" Zhou Li asked. "No, I'm not." Xiaoyun replied, "I have only entered their world, but I am not one of them. Now I am just an ordinary person like you."

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