After a pause, he continued: "Don't think that those wandering souls are randomly possessed by people, in fact, they also have requirements. If that person's strength is very strong, or if the cultivation technique and talent are very good, then The more wandering souls are attracted.”

   "So it is." Leng Xuan suddenly realized, Yang Huan's words finally solved the doubts in his heart. "Leng Xuan." At this time, only Lu Qi opened his mouth and said, "I think that Qin Ming may have a special fairy weapon about what you said just now." Leng Xuan asked, "What fairy weapon?" Lvqi said: "A kind of fairy weapon that restrains the formation method. Before, such a fairy weapon appeared in the fairy world. The formation method is composed of dots, lines and planes. After forming the formation, it is then activated by mana, which contains A kind of law. And the kind of immortal artifact I mentioned can break the law of the formation, so that its power cannot be exerted. I guess that the immortal artifact should have fallen into Qin Ming's hands."

   "So, my formation is useless to him?" Leng Xuan said. Lu Qi nodded, "That's almost what it means, that fairy weapon is the nemesis of the formation, no matter what formation it is, it has no effect."

Hearing what she said, Leng Xuan was very helpless. He now relies most on the strength of the three formations. If those three formations cannot be used, he can only talk to Qin Ming on the basis of his Jinxian's strength. Fight to a tie.

   "Everyone, it seems that we have to change our strategy." Leng Xuan said. Before, his main goals were the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian, but with the appearance of Qin Ming, he had to pay attention to the existence of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. What kind of person Qin Ming is, he knows very well in his heart that the fierceness of the other party is even more than that of the demon emperor. It's definitely not good for him if he continues to grow. "What are your plans?" Feng Lie asked.

"The Great Emperor Hunyuan and the Great Emperor Tongtian will not easily start with us before they are sure to fight against the Nine Heavens Star Array. Let's take advantage of this time to clean up the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance." After a pause, Leng Xuan He added: "There is one more thing that everyone must pay attention to. In any case, we cannot let Qin Ming cooperate with the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others. Once the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others know that Qin Ming has an immortal weapon to deal with the formation, they will definitely use this to deal with it. us."

"It makes sense." Chiwu nodded, "You really have to be careful about this." Leng Xuan replied, "I already know where the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is located, Senior Prisoner Valley, you should immediately send some people over to give the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. I surrounded them, not allowing them to go out, and not allowing outsiders to approach them. In short, I will block all the people of the Wanxian League, and not allow them to have contact with the outside world."

"No problem." Prison Valley greeted him, "I will hand over this matter to Yang Huan personally, I am more at ease when he does things." Leng Xuan replied, "That's hard work for Senior Yang." Yang Huan said nothing. , immediately left the hall and took people to surround the Wanxian League. Afterwards, Leng Xuan made some more arrangements. After everything was ready, he took the Four Divine Beasts and Lu Qi to set off for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. You Fenglie and the others are accompanied by Lu Qi. With such a strong combination, are you afraid that they will not be able to deal with a Qin Ming? This time, he must completely destroy Qin Ming. When Leng Xuan and his party arrived at the Wanxian League station, Yang Huan had already led people to surround the Wanxian League.

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