At this moment, his heart was surprised. The dual combination of the Great Array and the Great Array of All Heavens is not so easy to break. Moreover, he has personally experienced the power of the combination of these two formations. Even if it is a big Luo Jinxian, even if it cannot be killed, it can be seriously injured. However, looking at Qin Ming's appearance, the two formations were easily broken. This kind of method, it is estimated that even the demon emperor can't do it. So he was very puzzled, how did Qin Ming do this. If it is strength... Judging from the fluctuations just now, he did not feel Qin Ming's strength to be abnormal. It can be seen that this should not have much to do with strength. "You want to know?" Qin Ming smiled coldly, "I will tell you after you die."

   At this time, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that around the mountain, a large number of immortals were coming here, obviously all from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. Seeing this, he knew that this time things would be difficult to succeed, and immediately leaped to the body of the spirit daffodils.

The    spirit narcissus beast that knows, immediately exerts its speed to the extreme, and rushes straight to the sky. In the blink of an eye, the members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League were left behind. Fleeing from the sphere of influence of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Leng Xuan did not return to the Four Sacred Mountains, but went straight to the Shrine. Qin Ming's appearance and his strength were enough to make him jealous. Back at the shrine, Leng Xuan immediately called Feng Lie and the others over.

  Other people don't know Qin Ming, but Feng Lie and Crazy Tiger Beast are very clear. When they dealt with the Qin family, Crazy Tiger Beast also participated. As soon as Leng Xuan explained the situation, the expressions of Feng Lie and Crazy Tiger Beast suddenly changed. Obviously, the two of them were also surprised by Qin Ming's appearance. "That guy is really tough, and he's not dead yet." Crazy Tiger Beast said with a frown, "It turns out that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was established by him."

   "Leng Xuan, is he strong now? Even you can't handle it." Feng Lie asked. Leng Xuan replied: "His strength is indeed not weak, and his cultivation is comparable to Da Luo Jinxian. If that's the case, I still have the confidence to deal with him. But the problem is, I don't know what means he used to be immune to my formation. This is something that has never happened before." Hearing this, Lu Qi next to him said, "Tell me about what happened carefully."

   At the moment, Leng Xuan described the fight between him and Qin Ming in detail. After listening to this, Lu Qi thought thoughtfully: "Can he suppress the power of the formation?" While Lu Qi was still thinking, Leng Xuan continued, "It's not just this, although the appearance of those wandering spirits makes the The strength of some immortals has been greatly improved, but has Qin Ming's strength improved too fast? Even if he is possessed by those wandering spirits, it is impossible to become so strong."

"I may know the reason for what you said." Yang Huan took over the conversation and said, "During this period of time, under the arrangement of the owner of the valley, I have been investigating those who were possessed by wandering spirits. During this process , I found a problem. Those who are possessed by wandering spirits are not only possessed by one wandering spirit." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said in surprise: "You mean, a person can be possessed by several Wandering soul possessed at the same time?"

"Yes." Yang Huan nodded, "I'm still researching, so I haven't had time to tell you. I found that if the immortal's physique is relatively special, it is easy to be possessed by several wandering spirits at the same time. In this way, they His strength has been greatly improved. As you said, that Qin Ming, who has the strength of the Golden Immortal, must have been possessed by dozens of wandering spirits. Otherwise, he would not have such a strong strength."

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