Half a month later, more than 2,000 members have joined the Shrine. Compared with the other two major forces, they recruited the most personnel. Leng Xuan has already made arrangements for these members who have just joined the shrine. These newly joined members were not arranged with the previous gods of the Jingu, but were separated. Because Leng Xuan knew that among these newly recruited members, there must be traitors sent by the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian. From the very beginning, he was mentally prepared. Therefore, he divided the more than 2,000 people into two groups, led by Rowling and Lu Qi. The areas where the two groups of people live are also arranged on the left and right sides of the shrine, and there is no contact between the two sides.

   In addition to these, Leng Xuan also used some small means to prevent spies. When all this was done, it was already a month. There is Qi Chen on the side of the shrine, and there are not many places to use Leng Xuan. Moreover, Leng Xuan was still thinking about Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie, so he returned to the Four Sacred Mountains alone. As soon as he reached the Four Sacred Mountains, Leng Xuan heard a sound of breaking through the air from above his head. Immediately afterwards, a behemoth pressed down from the sky like a mountain. He thought it was an enemy attack and almost shot. When the behemoth approached, he could see clearly that it was a spirit narcissus beast.

   "You bastard, scared me to death." Leng Xuan patted its huge head and said with a smile. He hadn't seen the narcissus beast for a while. At the beginning, Yang Huan said that he wanted him to raise the narcissus beast by himself, saying that it would be beneficial to the narcissus beast. Some time ago, he also asked Yang Huanling about the current situation of the Narcissus Beast, but the other party only said that it was still in retreat, but he didn't expect it to be out by now.

   The narcissus beast who has undergone a retreat has undergone great changes. The first and most obvious thing is its body. If the previous Spirit Narcissus was a semi-finished product, it is now a finished product, and its body has evolved perfectly. Because of sucking the inner alchemy of the ghost fire clan, plus its own blood, the evolved body of the spirit narcissus has both the characteristics of the ghost fire clan and the characteristics of the spirit narcissus beast.

   "Have the two of them left the customs yet?" Leng Xuan asked. The narcissus beast understood his question and nodded lightly. "It's quite a long time for them to retreat this time." Leng Xuan secretly said, hoping that this retreat will bring some changes to them. Although there are many immortal beasts and exotic beasts in the Four Sacred Mountains, Leng Xuan knows few of them. Fenglie and the others are still in the shrine and did not come back with him. "It seems that you are the only company with me these days." Leng Xuan smiled and leaped to the top of the spirit water fairy beast. Immediately, the spirit narcissus beast rose from the ground and rushed towards the sky. The evolved spirit narcissus beast is extremely fast. Although it can't be said to be a thousand miles away, there is no problem with a thousand miles.

   Accompanying the daffodils to play in the fairyland for a while, Leng Xuan said, "It's getting late, let's go back." The daffodils raised its head and screamed, then changed its shape and flew towards the Four Sacred Mountains.

   However, before they flew far, Leng Xuan noticed that there was a huge palace below him. Moreover, the palace has not yet been completed, and many people are rushing to work there. Leng Xuan was curious, so he drove the daffodils to land near the palace. Then, he took the shrunken narcissus beast and secretly walked towards the palace.

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