"It still has something to do with those wandering spirits." Yang Huan said, "I made a preliminary count and found that there are more than 9,000 immortals who were seized by wandering spirits. After the strength of these people increased, their ambitions began to expand. Except for some of them who joined In the team of Emperor Hunyuan, others organized another faction called Wanxian League, which has more than 3,000 members, and the number is still rising." After hearing Yang Huan's remarks, Leng Xuan's face couldn't help but sank. down. He only thought about the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian, but he didn't expect that there would be forces rising at this time.

   "Do you know who the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance you are talking about?" Feng Lie asked. Yang Huan said: "This is not clear, I have sent someone to check, and it will take a long time to get a reply."

"Okay, no matter how much, our main opponents are the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others. As for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, we just need to pay attention and don't put too much energy on them. You are responsible, if they have any disturbing actions, please inform us again." Leng Xuan said. Yang Huan responded, "Okay, I understand."

   Due to the appearance of those wandering spirits, there were many more powerful people in the fairy world. In today's immortal world, golden immortals can be seen everywhere, and there are also many golden immortals in Da Luo. Leng Xuan stayed in the shrine for a few days, and then he heard Prison Valley say that the demon emperor was recruiting his subordinates, not only Yin Yuandian, but also the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance that was established later. In order to recruit enough subordinates, both sides offered generous conditions. Between Yin Yuandian and Wanxian League, the one with the most abundant conditions is naturally the Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor has lived for so many years, and his background is rich. In comparison, the newly established Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is much weaker.

   Seeing the strength of Yin Yuandian and Wanxian Alliance growing, Leng Xuan couldn't sit still. A few days later, the shrine also made a publicity to recruit people, and the conditions they offered were more generous than Yin Yuandian. The three kings of the God Realm informed the fairy world that they did not know how many years. Although the three of them died and left, there were many good things left behind. At this point, even the demon emperor can't compare. In order to increase publicity efforts, Leng Xuan also specially sent people to lobby around to spread the word about the Shrine's recruitment. In less than two days, immortals rushed to the shrine one after another and came to apply. In just three days, Leng Xuan successfully recruited hundreds of people.

   As almost all of these people have the strength of Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian is a rare number, but it is also a good improvement to the overall strength of the shrine. "Leng Xuan, I just predicted that with the existing inventory in the shrine, it would not be a problem to recruit another three or four thousand people." Qi Chen said. Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Then keep recruiting until no one is recruited." As the saying goes, it is easy to do things with money, and it is the same in the fairy world. The more benefits you give, the more people will come.

   Of course, in order to reassure those people, Leng Xuan did not use his name to recruit people, but used the name of King Aoba. After all, King Aoba is the nominal owner of the shrine, and he can't overtake him. Even if he is the controller behind the shrine now, he cannot easily let others know. Otherwise, the gods in the shrine will probably quit immediately. The action of the shrine made Yin Yuandian and Wanxian League have no one to join.

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