"I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case." Leng Xuan said, "We all know who the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian are, maybe they have the means to deal with those wandering spirits. In a word, we can't be safe until we are sure of safety. Give up easily." After a pause, he continued: "Well, Senior Feng, the four of you stay here, guarding the half of the picture, and Fairy Lvqi and I will go to Emperor Tongtian to investigate the situation and take a look. How are they now."

   "Okay, that's all for now, be careful yourself." Feng Lie nodded in response. At the moment, Leng Xuan took Lvqi and quickly chased after the demon emperor and the others. Along the way, Leng Xuan saw many mummified corpses, apparently killed by those wandering spirits. Along those mummified corpses, after a quarter of an hour, the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian appeared in the sight of Leng Xuan and Lu Qi. At this moment, the demon emperor is hiding in a cave with everyone.

  The cave is not big, and the traces around it should have just been opened up. In front of the entrance of the cave, there are more than ten mummified corpses, and those wandering spirits are crowding in front of the entrance of the cave, wanting to rush in. However, the entrance of the cave did not know what barrier was placed, blocking those wandering spirits from outside.

   However, Leng Xuan noticed that the light of that barrier was gradually weakening, and it seemed that it would not last long. "It would be great if those wandering souls could keep the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian here forever." Leng Xuan thought to himself. If so, then the war can be completely over.

   Of course, he only dared to imagine that if the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian were so easily beheaded, it would not have caused the situation today. Seeing that time passed slowly, the barrier became weaker and weaker, and Leng Xuan's heart also lifted. Even if those wandering spirits couldn't remove the Demon Emperor and the others, it would be a good ending to be able to seriously injure them. However, as soon as this thought came to him, he saw a brilliant golden light blooming from the entrance of the cave.

   Wherever the golden light went, those wandering spirits immediately stepped back and avoided, seeming to be very afraid of the golden light. Immediately afterwards, the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian walked out of the cave side by side, and behind them were dozens of disciples of the Taolong Sect and Yin Yuandian. For these, Leng Xuan was even more curious about what method the Demon Emperor used to drive those wandering spirits back. Looking closely, he was surprised to find that in the hands of the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian, they each held the same thing.

   "That's... a bone?" Leng Xuan was startled. In the hands of the demon emperor, he was holding a white bone. Moreover, judging from the shape of the white bone, it should be a human leg bone, and the hand of the Great Emperor Tongtian is a hand bone. That splendid golden light emanated from those two bones.

   "Whose bones are those?" Leng Xuan looked at Lu Qi with a look of surprise and asked.

Lvqi frowned and said, "It should be Jiang Liu's corpse. Jiang Liu is the previous owner of Wanxian Feihongtu. Only his bones can have such an effect." Hearing this, Leng Xuan nodded secretly. The body found was Jiang Liu himself. This is good, the demon emperor has something that makes those wandering souls jealous, and Wanxian Feihongtu can easily get it.

  As the Demon Emperor and the others walked out of the cave, those wandering spirits retreated further and further, which made Leng Xuan very worried.

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