"Go!" Leng Xuan hurriedly put away the remnant picture and hurried forward. After walking all the way for a while, Leng Xuan looked back and found that the wandering spirits were still chasing behind him, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and they would soon catch up. "Heaven-defying sword formation, knot!" While there was still some distance between the two sides, Leng Xuan stopped, turned around quickly, and set up the heaven-defying sword formation, trying to block those wandering spirits.

   But soon, he was surprised to discover that the barrier formed by the Heaven-Defying Sword Array was of no use to those wandering souls, and those wandering souls passed through the barrier directly. Seeing this, Leng Xuan cursed secretly and quickly returned to the fleeing team. "Leng Xuan, there is no road ahead." At this moment, the mad tiger beast on the way shouted loudly. Hearing this, Leng Xuan raised his eyes, and then he used the power of the source to strike at the solidified lava above his head. But listening to a loud 'bang', the solidified lava was immediately blasted out of a big hole. However, because the thickness of the molten slurry was several meters, Leng Xuan's blow only damaged the surface, but did not penetrate it.

   "Let's shoot together!" Feng Lie glanced at it and said immediately. "It's too late." Lv Qi frowned as she looked at the wandering soul who was getting closer and closer behind her. Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his eyes and saw that the wandering spirits were less than thirty meters away from them. At the speed of those wandering souls, they can catch up in just a few breaths. Seeing this, his heart moved, he stretched out his hand to take out the residual picture, and then threw it out from a distance. He wasn't sure if it would work, but for now it was just a try. As the remnant map was thrown out, those wandering souls who were close at hand immediately stopped their bodies, and then changed their direction and flew in the direction of the remnant map.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan's heart finally fell, he exhaled, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said, "Fortunately, I got it right." That residual picture is the key to attracting wandering souls. Seeing those wandering spirits surrounding the remnant map and refusing to leave, Leng Xuan had to retreat to a relatively safe area with everyone to discuss countermeasures. "How did you say those wandering spirits came from?" Chongming asked, "Could it be the spirits of immortals who were killed in the battle?"

   "It's not as simple as a soul." Chiwu said, "I just tried it with flames. If it was a soul, it wouldn't be able to resist my flames at all, but they didn't have anything at all, so it can be seen that they are not as simple as a soul."

  Leng Xuan looked at it from a distance, only to see those wandering spirits circling around the remnant picture, refusing to leave for a long time. "Everyone, what can you do?" He turned his head and asked everyone. However, none of the others replied, apparently out of ideas. "If we can figure out the effect of Wanxian Feihongtu, we may be able to come up with a corresponding solution." Feng Lie thought for a moment and said. Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his attention to Lu Qi.

   If any one of them knows the plan of Wanxian Feihong the most, it is only Luqi. "I said, I only know of its existence, but I don't know about other things. King Aoba didn't tell me that." Lu Qi said. At this time, I only listened to Chi Wudao: "Since we can't get the residual picture, it is estimated that Emperor Tongtian and the others will not succeed. In my opinion, we don't need to spend so much effort, just go back."

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