Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8471: hand over to the shrine 1

Thinking of this, Leng Xuan couldn't help laughing, "Okay, that's really great." In his original plan, he wanted to let King Xiaoyao die in the hands of the Tongtian Great Emperor or the Demon Emperor, but he thought this plan had failed. , I didn't expect that even the gods would come to help, and kill a demon emperor halfway to help him complete his plan. "How is the situation on the Shrine side now?" he asked. "The shrine is on full alert. As for King Aoba...I don't know too well. Since King Xiaoyao died, King Aoba has not appeared again. I have sent people to secretly monitor the shrine. If there is any movement, I will report it on the first day. I know for a while." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Very good, it's time to plan the next step."

   God's Domain, a remote place, Leng Xuan stood alone in a wild forest, waiting quietly. After a while, there was a sound of breaking through the air above his head. Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man fell from the air. "Brother Qi." Leng Xuan smiled and cupped his hands when he saw the person coming. This person is Qi Chen. "What's the matter with you asking me out?" Qi Chen asked, "This time the shrine is a tense time, I can't come out for too long, you have something to say."

   Originally, Qi Chen was going to take Rowling to leave the shrine that day, but he did not expect that Yin Jie was killed by Prison Valley when he and King Xiaoyao met the enemy together. On that day, except for King Xiaoyao who escaped, all the other gods who followed King Xiaoyao were beheaded, and none of them survived. The reason for this was to make King Qingye mistakenly think that it was the Demon Emperor who fought against King Xiaoyao, not them. As soon as Yin Jie died, naturally no one in the shrine would compete with Qi Chen for power. Not only that, Qi Chen put all the responsibility on Yin Jie. Anyway, the other party is dead, so he can say whatever he wants. It was for this reason that Qi Chen chose to return to the shrine. Of course, Leng Xuan's persuasion was also indispensable.

   For Leng Xuan, Qi Chen is a very important existence. As long as he is still in the shrine, they can take the initiative in some aspects. "How is King Qingye's recent situation?" Leng Xuan asked, this was the question he was most concerned about. Qi Chen said: "I don't know, since King Xiaoyao died, King Qingye has been guarding in his room and never came out. After so long, I haven't even seen him once, and I don't know what the specific situation is. already."

   "Then look, can our current plan be implemented?" Leng Xuan asked. "It's hard to say." Having said this, Qi Chen retorted: "To tell the truth, I have stayed in the shrine for many years, and have been for the three kings of the gods for thousands of years. Whether it is the king of Xiaoyao or the king of Anqing, I have I know their habits very well. However, I don't know anything about her except King Aoba. King Aoba is very strange. If there is no important thing, she will lock herself in the house and rarely go out. , and never appeared to manage the shrine's affairs. Therefore, with so many people in the shrine, none of them knew exactly who King Aoba was, nor what she was thinking."

   "Now that King Xiaoyao and King Anqing are dead, apart from King Aoba, you should be the most powerful person in the shrine." Leng Xuan said. "It's too simple for you to think." Qi Chen said, "The reason why I was in a high position back then was because I was valued and trusted by King Xiaoyao and King Anqing, so I was entrusted with important tasks, but now it's different. ."

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