And the level of power far exceeded Leng Xuan's expectations. Only three formations combined can produce such a powerful formidable power. If it is four formations, how terrifying it would be.

   "The Yuantian Great Array..." King Xiaoyao muttered to himself, and suddenly, a trace of unwillingness and fear appeared on his face, his body moved, and he flew into the air. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Leng Xuan's sight. "It actually let that guy run away." Feng Lie sighed.

   "No way, his strength is too strong, I thought I could kill him with the Yuantian Great Array, it seems that I thought it was too simple." Leng Xuan said helplessly. He has so many plans, and his main goal is actually the King of Free and Easy. Only when King Xiaoyao is dead can his plan continue, but now... "It seems that I can only think of another way." After a pause, he asked, "How is the situation on King Qingye's side? ?"

Prison Valley said: "The person I sent to monitor reported that the battle between King Qingye and the Great Emperor Tongtian is not over yet. However, judging from the situation, no one above can do anything, and it is estimated that it will end in a tie." Hearing this, Leng Xuan Nodding his head, he continued: "If that's the case, then we don't need to stay here, lest we be discovered by King Aoba, let's go." At that moment, the crowd spread out and galloped towards the Four Sacred Mountains.

   Back at the Four Sacred Mountains, Leng Xuan entered the retreat directly. This time, in the fight against King Xiaoyao, although he understood the Yuantian Great Array, his losses were equally serious. The Yuantian Great Array, although powerful enough, also has high requirements on the controller. This time, he had overdrawn himself, and only then did he mobilize the Yuantian Great Array. This retreat is a month away. "The Yuantian Great Array, the Heaven-covering Great Array, the All-Heaven Great Array, if you learn the Mitian Great Array, they won't have to be afraid to face the Demon Emperor in the future." Leng Xuan thought to himself when he woke up from his practice. Walking out of the cave where he lived, Leng Xuan went straight to the place where Li Mengjie and Ling Xuejiu lived.

   However, he soon discovered that not long after he retreated, Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie also entered the retreat one after another. After this war, they also knew the importance of strength. "Leng Xuan." At this moment, a voice came.

  Leng Xuan turned his head to look and saw Prison Valley descend from the sky and landed beside him. "Senior." Leng Xuan greeted. "Leng Xuan, do you know about that?" Hearing Prison Gu's question, Leng Xuan didn't respond immediately and asked, "What's the matter?" Prison Gu said in surprise, "Why, hasn't anyone told you yet? King Xiaoyao is dead." Leng Xuan was shocked and said, "Dead? How did he die?" He clearly remembered that when he fought with King Xiaoyao that day, the other party fled. Prison Valley said: "It was Emperor Hunyuan who killed him. It was a coincidence that after King Xiaoyao escaped that day, he happened to meet Emperor Hunyuan on the way. Seeing that he was seriously injured, the other party immediately shot and killed him easily. ."

   "Is there such a thing?" Leng Xuan was in a daze, this is really God's help, so that his plan can be completed perfectly. As for why the Demon Emperor appeared there, when he wanted to come, it must have been the Demon Emperor who had arranged spies with the Great Emperor Tongtian, so he was very clear about the Emperor Tongtian's every move. When the Great Emperor Tongtian led the crowd to leave, the Demon Emperor wanted to find out what happened, so he rushed over in person, only to see King Xiaoyao who was seriously injured.

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