To Leng Xuan's surprise, under the impact of the two forces, no shock wave was formed. On the contrary, the air waves generated by the two forces fighting against each other were all absorbed by the muddy sky clock. Not only that, but the radiance on the surface of the ancient clock became even more intense as the Huntian Bell absorbed the remaining power. Just listening to the melodious sound of the 'dang', the sound waves formed by the golden light were in the shape of a ring and quickly spread around. Gong Liang, who was within the range of the Huntian Bell, suddenly turned pale, vomited blood, and flew backwards uncontrollably.

   Fortunately, at this time, Li Mengjie and Ling Xuejiu just arrived and caught Gong Liang's body. Looking at Gong Liang, who was pale and angry, the expressions of the two of them couldn't help changing, "Xuejiu, take him away first." When the words fell, she moved and faced the King of Free and Easy. "It's too much!" Xiaoyaoang sneered, the Heavenly Clock flew out again, and the golden light was released. Seeing the Huntian Clock approaching, Li Mengjie's figure flashed, and blood shone out of her body. Immediately afterwards, a huge blood snake appeared under her. The blood snake appeared and immediately flew in the opposite direction of her. And the Huntian Bell has been following Li Mengjie.

   However, when the Heavenly Clock was about to hit Li Mengjie, Li Mengjie's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Immediately, on the top of the blood snake, light flickered, and Li Mengjie's figure appeared again.

   Seeing that Li Mengjie escaped the attack of Hun Tianzhong safely, Leng Xuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. After seeing the power of Huntian Bell, he was almost frightened just now, lest Li Mengjie be in danger. As for the trick Li Mengjie used, he had seen it on Yanglian before. That blood snake was raised by Li Mengjie and had a natal connection with Li Mengjie. Through that blood snake, Li Mengjie was able to teleport at will. Without a hit, King Xiaoyao couldn't help squinting. Obviously, he did not expect Li Mengjie to escape his attack. "Fate change... Are you a member of the Eternal God Race?" King Xiaoyao said slowly, "It's getting more and more interesting. The Eternal God Race has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect to see the descendants of the Eternal God Race today."

   "How many people of the Eternal Protoss still live, and where do they live?" asked the King of Free and Easy. Li Mengjie said indifferently: "I'll tell you after you die." Hearing this, King Xiaoyao sneered, "As long as you have that ability." When the voice fell, he raised his hand, and the Heavenly Clock was suspended in mid-air. Immediately flew over to Li Mengjie. Seeing this, Li Mengjie's figure flashed, and she quickly separated from the blood snake under her. Only when the distance between the two is far away can the natal conversion be performed. "The same move is useless in front of me." King Xiaoyao said in a contemptuous tone. Immediately, the Heavenly Clock split into two, flying towards Li Mengjie and the blood snake respectively.

   "Be careful!" Leng Xuan's expression changed when he saw the change in the clock, and he shouted anxiously. However, his reminder was already a bit late. The speed of the two muddy bells was very fast, and in just a few breaths, the two muddy bells had already approached Li Mengjie and the blood snake. This time, no matter whether Li Mengjie used her life change or not, she could not escape the attack of the Heavenly Bell. However, at this moment of crisis, a scorching flame formed a huge fireball that fell from the sky and landed fiercely on the Huntian Clock that was rushing towards Li Mengjie.

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