But the situation at the moment is not optimistic. There is still a big gap between them and the King of Free and Easy. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, King Xiaoyao came. If it was the most powerful King Qingye, they would not even have the chance to resist. "Leng Xuan, are you alright?" Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie rushed over from behind and couldn't help but worry when they saw the injured Leng Xuan.

   "It's okay." Leng Xuan took a deep breath and calmed down the pain in his lower body. "You rest first, I will block." Gong Liang on the side said. After the words fell, he showed his body and rushed towards the King of Free and Easy.

   "Go away!" Seeing Gong Liang flying over, King Xiaoyao snorted coldly, his eyes disdainful, and he danced casually. Immediately, the surrounding wind surged towards Gong Liang. In the face of the opponent's attack, Gong Liang did not shy away from his figure and continued to move forward. At the same time, a layer of blue light appeared on his body. After that layer of cyan light, a layer of red light appeared one after another. Blue light, red light, purple light, white light, golden light, five different kinds of light appeared one after another, and then condensed into one. "Broken!" But when Gong Liang's voice fell, the five condensed rays of light immediately burst out of the sky, blocking the attacks of King Xiaoyao one by one.

"Huh?" Seeing that his attack was easily resolved by Gong Liang, King Xiaoyao couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, "It's interesting!" Not only King Xiaoyao, but even Leng Xuan was a little surprised. Liang's strength was so strong that he was able to fight to a tie with King Xiaoyao. Suddenly, he thought of Chongming's previous introduction to Gong Liang, and his heart suddenly came to an end. Chongming said that Gongliang is a mutated beast with various chaotic powers in his body. These forces are like fire and water, and if they are combined into one, they can form several times the destructive force. Therefore, although Gong Liang's cultivation base is not high, the strength displayed should not be underestimated.

   "I'm going to help him." Li Mengjie and Ling Xuejiu looked at each other, spread out their bodies and joined the battle. "Huntian Bell!" King Xiaoyao shouted, and suddenly, an ancient bell with a simple color appeared in everyone's sight. On the surface of the ancient bell, many complicated runes were engraved, showing golden lines. Under the control of King Xiaoyao, the golden pattern on the surface of the ancient clock burst into a dazzling and dazzling light, like the rising sun, the light was shining, covering everyone. Feeling the mighty power contained in the Huntian Bell, Gong Liang moved forward instead of retreating. During the journey, dozens of rays of different colors burst out from his body.

   Those rays of light intertwined, condensed together, and became extremely violent, and the fluctuations in them were very chaotic, and it seemed that they might collapse at any time. Looking at Gong Liang again, at this moment, his face was ashen, his teeth were clenched, and his face was dripping with sweat.

   It can be seen that it is very difficult for him to control so many different kinds of power at one time. "Yeah!" With a loud cry, Gong Liang forcibly combined the dozens of forces and pushed them towards the King of Free and Easy.

"A mere ants, dare to oppose me, and die!" Xiaoyao waved his raised hands down, and suddenly, he saw the sky clock draw an arc from the sky, straight towards the dozens of forces condensing The rays of light struck.

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!" At the moment when the light touched the bell, a series of loud noises spread in the air.

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