After a pause, he continued: "Demon spirits are actually the souls of alien beasts or immortal beasts. After a well-established alien beast dies, the souls will not easily disperse. The soul of the beast grows itself. Over time, the more the soul eats, the stronger its own strength. This is the so-called demon spirit. The demon spirit is a very special existence. After they form a soul, it takes tens of thousands of years to pass. Only by training and sucking enough souls can we successfully transform into demon spirits. Demon spirits are different from other living beings, such as our immortals. Once our body is damaged, our strength will be greatly reduced, as are alien beasts and immortal beasts. in this way."

"But there are exceptions to everything, just like a demon spirit. After successfully transforming into a demon spirit, even if there is no body, the demon spirit's strength is equally terrifying. Moreover, the demon spirit will **** your soul bit by bit. If his soul disappears, then your body will become like his." Then, he pointed at Yansong on the ground, "Many years ago, there were demon spirits in the fairyland, which harmed many immortals. Therefore, in the fairyland People organized a clean-up operation to kill all the demon spirits in the fairy world. Since then, no demon spirits have appeared again."

  Leng Xuan said thoughtfully: "If that's the case, since Senior Yansong told me about the demon spirit, he must have known that there was a demon spirit there. However, why did he take such a big risk to find the demon spirit?"

   "You should still remember the reason why the Three Kings of God's Domain destroyed other worlds several times." Chi Wudao. Leng Xuan nodded, of course he knew that the three kings of God's Domain improved their strength by destroying the lives of other worlds and absorbing their soul power. "Actually, the nature of demon spirits is similar, because demon spirits also become stronger by absorbing souls. Each demon spirit is equivalent to a powerful soul force. If you can absorb this power, it will greatly improve your own strength. Great help. In my opinion, Yansong's purpose is nothing more than this." Chiwu said.

   "So it is." Leng Xuan finally understood. Although Daluo Jinxian is the top powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, he must take that important step if he wants to become an existence like the Three Kings of the Divine Realm. However, if there is no chance, just by practicing, I don't know how much time it will take to reach that stage. Iwamatsu must have known this, so he wanted to take a chance, only to lose his life. As for why Yansong discovered the demon spirit, it is estimated that he also found it through the soul of the phoenix. "Senior Chiwu, is the demon spirit easy to deal with?" he asked.

"Easy to say, difficult to say." Chi Wu said, "The demon spirit can be hidden in all objects, and cannot be detected by the naked eye and spiritual sense. Once its eyes are opposite to you, then you are finished. Unless You can find it, otherwise, it will be difficult to subdue it." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, and his mind couldn't help but become alive. As long as you can see the demon spirit, you can easily deal with it... It doesn't sound like it is difficult.

   "Why, what are your thoughts?" Chi Wu asked when he saw Leng Xuan's thoughtful expression. Leng Xuan smiled and said, "I may have a solution." Hearing this, Chiwu asked curiously, "What solution?"

   "You don't have to worry about this. Seniors, take care of them first, and I'll be right back." After the words were finished, Chiwu didn't wait for more words, Leng Xuan had already flew to the crack. Before long, he returned to the outside of the stone forest again.

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