Leng Xuan reached out and touched it, only to feel that the bodies of the two beasts were extremely hard, as if they had been petrified. With doubts, Leng Xuan continued to move forward. Since the two scorpions, he has discovered many other beasts one after another. The situation of those alien beasts is also similar to the two scorpion beasts. Although the appearance remains intact and looks like living creatures, in fact, they have all been petrified, which is very strange. "Who did this?" Leng Xuan pondered to himself, and at the same time was extremely shocked. To be able to do this, the opponent's strength is absolutely powerful.

   After continuing on for a few minutes, Leng Xuan saw a person lying on the ground, gasping for breath, it was Yansong who disappeared. "Senior Yansong." Leng Xuan shouted, rushed over and helped Yansong up from the ground. "Leng... Leng Xuan..." Seeing Leng Xuan, Yansong called out his name weakly, and his breathing became louder and louder. "Senior, are you alright?" Leng Xuan took out an elixir and prepared to send it to Yansong's mouth. But the other party shook his head and rejected his kindness. Leng Xuan was about to speak, but was surprised to find that Yansong's hand was extremely stiff, as if it had been frozen.

   "Petrochemical?" Leng Xuan was startled, and quickly reached out to touch other parts of Yansong. Not only his hands, but also Iwamatsu's legs were already stiff, and the stiffness was spreading to his whole body little by little.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?" Yansong's hand was unable to move, but he twisted his neck with difficulty, and cast his eyes into the depths of the stone forest, "Demon...demon...demon..." Hearing him Leng Xuan frowned secretly at the words in his mouth, "Demon spirit? What is that?" He also expected Yansong to be able to solve his confusion, but at this time Yansong couldn't even open his mouth. In a short while, his body was completely stiff, and there was no vitality.

   "Dead..." Leng Xuan's face sank, and the dignified Luo Jinxian died in such a place. He couldn't figure it out, it was clearly a half-immortal realm, why such a powerful thing appeared. No matter what the demon spirit in Yansong's mouth is, it is definitely not easy to easily deal with a big Luo Jinxian. Putting down Yansong's body, Leng Xuan stood up and turned his eyes to the depths of the stone forest.

   "Demon Spirit." He muttered the name, hesitating in his heart. Even Yansong died in such a place. If he continued to move forward, the danger would be even greater. Moreover, this time he was the only one here, and if something happened, no one would know. After thinking about it, Leng Xuan decided to give up. In any case, safety is the most important thing. Going directly into the depths of the stone forest in this way is too dangerous.

   At the moment, he took Yansong's body and turned back all the way to the wooden house of Yansong. At this time, Ling Xuejiu was still cultivating, with Li Mengjie assisting him. Seeing Leng Xuan coming back, Chi Wu took the lead to greet him. Looking at the dead Yansong in his hand, Chiwu frowned and said, "What's going on?" Leng Xuan told his previous experience in the original. "You mean... a demon spirit?" Chi Wu's expression suddenly changed when he heard Leng Xuan mention the word 'demon spirit'. Seeing this, Leng Xuan asked: "Senior, do you know what a demon spirit is?" Chi Wu said solemnly: "No, it has been so many years, how could there still be a demon spirit."

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