exhaled, Leng Xuan turned his gaze to the mid-air of the cave. There, Chiwu was fighting with the phoenix soul. They are all fiery fairy beasts, possessing powerful and unparalleled flames. Although Chiwu's flame is composed of Suzaku's Fire and Nine Yin Thunder Fire, Phoenix's immortal fire is even more magical.

  The two flames are fighting each other, and it will be difficult to tell the winner for a while. While Leng Xuan was watching the battle, a person suddenly appeared in the adjacent cave, and it was Yansong. It's just not bad, at the moment he is in a state of embarrassment, and his body is scarred and covered with blood. After coming out of the cave, Yansong saw Leng Xuan at a glance, and while calling Leng Xuan's name, he rushed over here. However, before Yansong could reach Leng Xuan, Leng Xuan saw the opponent's body flying up high, and then fell heavily to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth. "Senior." Leng Xuan quickly stepped forward to help him up and asked, "Are you alright?"

   "Save...Save me." Yansong said with a pale face and out of breath. Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his eyes and saw a strange beast standing not far in front of him. That alien beast was the savage beast that Chiwu had reminded him of. At this moment, the scorpion beast was standing twenty meters away, staring at him with gloomy eyes, and the muscles all over his body trembled slightly, as if it might launch an attack at any time.

  Leng Xuan's heart tightened, he quickly stood up, and he was on high alert. Chiwu had already told him about the power of the beast, and he had to be careful. Just thinking about the countermeasures, Leng Xuan suddenly discovered that the scorpion beast in his sight had disappeared from the spot. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Immediately afterwards, his body flew high and fell straight back. At the same time, the scorpion beast appeared again, right where he stayed before.

   "So fast!" It wasn't until this moment that he truly realized how terrifying the speed of the beast was, and he didn't even have a chance to react. No wonder it was as strong as a rock pine, and it was made like that by the beast.

   stood up, Leng Xuan exhaled, trying to keep calm. The more this is the case, the more calm you must be, especially in the face of such an extremely fast opponent.

   "Leng Xuan, come back." At this moment, Li Mengjie's voice came from behind. Leng Xuan turned around and saw that Li Mengjie had already rushed in front of him. Before he opened his mouth, he saw Li Mengjie wave his hand, and the golden powder emitting a brilliant light immediately scatters in front of him. As those golden powders approached, the beast seemed to know that those golden powders were dangerous, and immediately stepped back and moved to another place.

  Li Mengjie danced her hands continuously, filling the air around them with golden powder. As a result, the scorpion beast could only walk around outside, but did not dare to launch an attack easily. Seeing this, Leng Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Mengjie has such a skill, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to deal with that scorpion beast. Time passed by, and the golden powder in the air began to disappear with the passage of time.

   "How long can you hold on?" Leng Xuan asked. "At most, hold on for a little longer." Li Mengjie said, "I can only produce so much of this toxin at one time." Hearing this, Leng Xuan raised his head and cast his gaze towards the mid-air of the cave. There, Chiwu and Phoenix Soul were still fighting, and there was still no winner.

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