"Senior Chiwu!" Leng Xuan's mind moved and called. Immediately, a dark purple flame flashed, and Chiwu turned into a huge flamingo, appearing overwhelmingly above the heads of the three of them. As soon as Chiwu came out, with a cry, the snakes and worms who were about to surround them immediately backed away, daring not to approach. As the power of Chiwu spread, those snakes and worms lowered their heads one after another, as if to express their surrender to Chiwu.

   "Go!" Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately urged Li Mengjie and the others to leave. However, before they set off, they saw a big fiery red bird flying out of the adjacent cave. The bird's appearance was somewhat similar to Chiwu, but it was even more beautiful and domineering. At first glance, isn't it a phoenix?

   Yes, this is the Phoenix Soul. After it appeared, there was a sharp scream in its mouth. Hearing its cry, the snakes and worms in the cave raised their heads again and began to approach Chiwu and Leng Xuan. "How could this happen?" Leng Xuan's expression changed, and he said in surprise. Chiwu possesses the bloodlines of the Four Sacred Beasts. As the emperor among the beasts, these exotic beasts should be surrendered. "It's the Phoenix!" Chiwu's voice sounded, "Although it is not the Four Holy Beasts, its status is no lower than that of the Four Holy Beasts. Among the immortal beasts, the Phoenix's status is almost on a par with Qinglong." Leng Xuan said: " What should we do then?" As Chiwu said, since the Phoenix's status is second only to Qinglong, it can completely offset the power of the blood in Chiwu's body, making those alien beasts uncontrollable. "Let me deal with that guy, and you are responsible for these alien beasts." As soon as the voice fell, Chiwu immediately flew to the flaming phoenix in the air.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan turned his head and explained, "Xiao Jie, look after the snow vulture." With that, he moved to meet the rushing snakes and worms. "Heaven-defying sword formation, open!" He made a mark on his hands, and his figure rose to the sky. Immediately, the Four Baby Swords appeared out of thin air, hovering around him, resisting the attacks of the surrounding snakes and insects. "Kill!" Leng Xuan waved his hands, and the four swords moved back and forth in this spacious cave with his control.

  Although the number of snakes and worms is not small, their strength is not strong, at most they are high immortals. Under Leng Xuan's powerful offensive, in less than a moment, more than a dozen snakes and worms were easily beheaded. However, Leng Xuan soon discovered a problem. When he cut off the bodies of those snakes and worms, the snakes and worms that became two or three did not die because of it. On the contrary, their numbers are increasing, almost surrounding Leng Xuan.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help cursing. These snakes and worms are just like earthworms, they can't die if they are cut in half, and their vitality is too tenacious. Seeing that there were more and more snakes and worms around, Leng Xuan bit his teeth and controlled the four swords, ready to summon Leng Er and the two immortal puppets to relieve his pressure. However, before he could move, he saw those snakes and worms lying down one by one, motionless, as if they were dead.

   "Huh?" Facing this sudden change, Leng Xuan was startled. Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned his attention to Li Mengjie behind him. Sure enough, Li Mengjie closed her eyes, her hands were sealed, and a faint purple light emanated from her body. Those snakes and worms were defeated, I'm afraid they were poisoned by her. In any case, these snakes are finally over.

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