Zhongming frowned and said: "If you want to deal with him, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome. You must be clear, his strength is not comparable to that of King Anqing." Leng Xuan replied: "I know it will be very difficult to do so, but , no matter who our next goal is, it will not be easy. Of course, this is only my first plan, if this plan can be realized, then the next plan will be easy to arrange." After a pause, he continued: "In addition, I also said that this is just an idea and has not yet been perfected, so we don't have to rush for a while. Although the spiritual energy of the fairyland has been destroyed, it will not interfere with the operation of the fairyland in a short time. We can spend more time, Refine the plan to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Of course, the most important point is ourselves. As long as our strength rises, let alone the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian, even the King of Xiaoyao and the others don’t have to be afraid.”

"With the current strength of the four of us, if we do our best, we can barely hold one of them." Chi Wudao, "If you can only hold it, if you want to kill it, it is not enough. Unless that Like King Anqing, he was seriously injured. I mean, with our current strength, we can only choose a single target, such as the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian, and King Xiaoyao and King Qingye always stay together, which is not suitable for us to start. "

"That's what I mean too." Feng Lie agreed, "All in all, we have to be careful now and don't be careless." Leng Xuan replied, "Don't worry, I know what you're talking about, I'll plan it well, and try my best to make sure nothing goes wrong. ." Time passed day by day, and after so many things, Immortal Realm finally passed a peaceful day. On this day, Leng Xuan slowly opened his eyes in the cave and walked out.

   Since the last time everyone was apart, he has been in retreat. Now among the crowd, only his strength is the weakest, and he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible. Only in this way can we not hold back everyone. However, the higher the cultivation base, the slower the cultivation base will improve. Just like he is now, after a few months of cultivation, there is almost nothing to gain. Thinking about it, other immortals have to cultivate for at least decades, or even a hundred thousand years to improve, and it is very unrealistic for him to greatly improve his strength in a short period of time. Whether it is the Demon Emperor, Tongtian Great Emperor, or King Xiaoyao, they are all powerful beings who have cultivated for tens of thousands of years. However, what he lacks most now is time.

   With the current state of Immortal Realm, it will be at most a few hundred years before it will completely collapse. Once the fairyland is destroyed, those immortals living in the fairyland will definitely find another place. Now that the world of foreign cultivation has been integrated with the fairy world, and the entrance to the Xumi world is also controlled by him. Therefore, the only place those immortals can go is the mundane world. And this was something he would never allow to happen.

   "Being stronger..." Thinking of this, Leng Xuan secretly smiled bitterly, feeling a little confused, not knowing what to do. In the past, his strength improved rapidly, but this progress was obtained through his life. Although in so many dangers, he has been able to successfully save them every time, but luck is not always present. If he continues to take risks like this, he will fail at some point. And such a price is not something he can afford.

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