The day after    returned to Sisheng Mountain, Leng Xuan received news from all over the place. Just as he had guessed, the battle between the Demon Emperor and the others ended in a draw. However, the formation set up by the three kings of the God Realm was destroyed by the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian. The demon emperor's methods are also thorough enough, not only destroying the formation, but also destroying all those mountain peaks, so that King Xiaoyao has no chance to repair the formation.

   Now, King Anqing is dead, and among the three kings of the Divine Realm, there are only the two most powerful beings, King Xiaoyao and King Qingye. If it is said that the previous three kings of God's Domain still had a certain advantage, then they have lost this advantage now. In terms of strength alone, King Xiaoyao and the Demon Emperor are almost the same. However, compared to the Demon Emperor and the others, King Xiaoyao and the others had another advantage that they could rely on, and that was the relationship between him and King Qingye.

  The Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian are in disagreement. They only have the same goal at the moment, so they choose to join forces. Once there is a difference in interests, the two will soon turn against each other. In contrast, the relationship between King Xiaoyao and King Aoba is more harmonious. After all, the two of them have been sworn to each other for many years, and they are devoted to the outside world, and there will never be infighting. After returning to Sisheng Mountain that day, Leng Xuan kept a low profile. They planned to kill King Anqing, which was witnessed by King Xiaoyao and King Qingye. Therefore, this blood feud will definitely be remembered on them. It is estimated that King Xiaoyao is now looking for himself everywhere, and wants to take his own life to avenge King Anqing. Therefore, it is better for him to keep a low profile, so as not to be discovered by the other party.

  According to his plan, let King Xiaoyao and Yaodi fight first, and when the time is right, he will make another move. However, although his plan is good, the direction of the situation is not something he can decide. It took several months to return to the Four Sacred Mountains. Listening to the report of the spies sent out, King Xiaoyao and Yaodi have been in peace with each other during this period of time, and neither of them has shot at each other. On this day, a group of people stayed in the cave where Leng Xuan lived.

   "Leng Xuan, what are your plans next?" Feng Lie asked. Leng Xuan replied: "Originally, I wanted them both to fight and lose both, so we'll take another shot. However, from the current situation, the Demon Emperor and King Xiaoyao are already on guard against us and will not give us a chance easily. "They can design and kill King Anqing, which is enough to prove their ability. Whether it is against the Demon Emperor, the Great Emperor Tongtian, or the King of Xiaoyao, they have already become a serious enemy, "So, we have to change our plan now." Hearing this, the mad tiger said: "So, You already have an idea?"

Leng Xuan nodded and smiled bitterly: "I have a general idea, but it's hard to say whether it can be achieved. King Anqing is our first target, and the next target we have to deal with is..." Write a word on the desktop.

"Deal with him?" Seeing that name, the expressions of the crowd couldn't help changing, "Why should we deal with him, can't others? Besides, I'm afraid it's not a good time to deal with him now." Leng Xuan said: " Because of this, if I didn't say it, you definitely wouldn't have expected me to deal with him. Even if you didn't think about him, the other party might have the same idea, thinking that I wouldn't take action against him in a short time. "

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