Yanglian said: "I didn't lock them in, it was their choice."

   "What do you mean?" Leng Xuan said. Yang Lian asked back, "Your name is Leng Xuan?" Leng Xuan nodded, feeling a little puzzled. "When they came, they told me that if there is a young man looking for it, it must be you." Yanglian said. Leng Xuan then realized that Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie had already guessed that after they knew they were gone, they would definitely find them here, "What are the two of them doing inside?" This was his special concern. "They..." Yang Lian said, "They are performing a ceremony."

   "What ceremony?" Leng Xuan asked. Vaguely, he had a bad feeling. "Li Mengjie is the daughter of Wandu, the saint of our Wangu clan, and the next patriarch we elected." Yanglian said. "Saint?" Leng Xuan's face was startled. "What saint?" He was very puzzled. Li Mengjie had just entered the fairyland not long ago, and her strength was not even a half-immortal. How could she be selected as a saint? , which is really strange.

Yang Lian said: "The saint was chosen by the holy lamp, not by us. Our Wangu tribe was a big family in the fairyland many years ago. But later, because the Wangu tribe could no longer be elected. Because of this, the saints gradually lost, so that they have fallen to the point where they are today. However, recently, the holy lamp that has been dusty for a long time has been lit again, which means that the saintess of the Wangu tribe have been born. As long as the saints are found, By cultivating her, my Eternal Clan will be able to reproduce the glory of the past." Leng Xuan frowned secretly, Li Mengjie cultivated the body of ten thousand poisons, he knew this. Could it be that the body of ten thousand poisons has something to do with the saintess of the ancient clan? Thinking of this, he thought it was very possible.

   "Having said so much, you haven't told me what the ceremony you just mentioned is." Leng Xuan asked. Yang Lian said: "Only through the ceremony can she become the real saint of the Eternal Clan."

  Leng Xuan nodded, he was not very opposed to this matter. After all, this is Li Mengjie's chance. "Li Mengjie participated in the ceremony, so what did Ling Xuejiu do?" This was what he didn't understand.

   "To complete the ceremony, someone has to help. Originally, this person should be me, but she didn't trust me very much, so she let her friend go in with her." Yang Lian said. "Then will they be in any danger?" Leng Xuan asked, this was the question he was most concerned about. "No problem, they will come out in a few days." After hearing Yanglian say this, Leng Xuan felt relieved, "I'm here to watch."

   "No, my clan will stay here, I will arrange a place for you, come with me." After that, Yang Lian brought Leng Xuan to a stone-built house. After entering the room, Leng Xuan asked: "Since you know who I am, why did you shoot me just now?" Yang Lian said, "The saint said you were her friend, but the saint will be my Eternal Clan in the future. The patriarch, I must be responsible for her safety. Therefore, as long as the people or friends around her must pass the test." Leng Xuan shrugged helplessly, and smiled bitterly: "What you call a test is a fight. ?"

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