As the golden powder fell on his skin, Leng Xuan immediately felt a pain like a fire. That kind of pain is like soaking in salt water after being scalded. Leng Xuan gritted his teeth and endured the inhuman pain. Then, he flicked his eyes and landed on Yanglian who was not far away. "Kill!" His eyes turned cold, his anger emerged, and regardless of the pain on his body, he rushed towards the other party.

   "Go!" Yang Lian greeted the giant snake hovering behind her, and the giant snake immediately swayed towards Leng Xuan. In the face of the rapidly approaching giant snake, Leng Xuan did not dodge or evade, and rushed forward, holding his steel fist tightly.

   When the two sides were about to touch, he raised his steel fist and blasted out heavily. But hearing a loud 'bang', the giant snake with a length of tens of meters was immediately knocked out. With Leng Xuan's current Jinxian level strength, the power of one punch is extremely powerful, plus the strength bonus of the body of King Kong. This seemingly simple punch contains terrifying power. After knocking the giant snake into the air, Leng Xuan's figure flashed again, rushing towards Yanglian. However, when he was about to rush to Yanglian, he was surprised to find that the other party had disappeared from his sight. This kind of disappearance is not because the opponent escaped by relying on the speed advantage, but disappeared directly from the place, as if invisible.

   After a few seconds of surprise, he suddenly felt a breath coming from behind him. Turning his head to look, he immediately found that Yanglian appeared not far behind him, staying with the giant snake.

   Seeing Leng Xuan cast his gaze, Yanglian and the giant snake immediately separated to the left and right, maintaining a distance of dozens of meters. Leng Xuan snorted lightly, tapped his toes, and rushed towards Yanglian again. Catch the thief first and capture the king. Since Yanglian is the patriarch of the Wangu clan, only by capturing her can the other clan members of the Wangu clan be forced to bow their heads. However, although his idea was good, when he was about to rush to Yanglian, the scene just now reappeared, and Yanglian disappeared from his eyes out of thin air. This time, he reacted in time and immediately turned his head to where the giant snake was behind him. As he expected, beside the giant snake, Yang Lian's figure slowly appeared.

   "There is still such a hand!" Leng Xuan frowned. The other party can teleport a short distance through the giant snake, so it is difficult for him to lock the other party. Moreover, as long as Yanglian keeps a certain distance from the giant snake, he will not want to hurt the other party. His thoughts turned, his eyes swept away, "Since we can't fight head-on, then..." As soon as his mind moved, he immediately moved his body and quickly rushed towards the tower. The distance between the tower and him is not far, but in the blink of an eye, he has already rushed to the tower. "Stop!" Yang Lian seemed to realize what Leng Xuan was going to do, and hurriedly stopped her. However, Leng Xuan turned a deaf ear to her cry.

   At this moment, it was too late for Yang Lian to stop Leng Xuan. Seeing that Leng Xuan raised his steel fist and was about to attack the tower, Yang Lian said loudly, "If you destroy it, then you won't want to see the two of them again."

Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately put away his steel fist and said, "The two of them are in this tower?" Yang Lian nodded and said, "Yes." Leng Xuan said solemnly, "You locked them in there. Immediately let them go, otherwise, no matter what the price is today, I will kill you and your clansmen."

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