Thinking of this, he immediately took Mo Ya to find Ma Fu, maybe Ma Fu knew some relevant information.

   "Palace Master, Saintess Ling and the others greeted me before they left." Ma Fu said. "Did you say hello?" Leng Xuan said angrily, "I said hello, so you let them leave?" Ma Fu hurriedly said: "Palace Master, don't be angry. There is something very important to deal with, and I may have to leave for a few days. When she told me at the time, I was strongly against it." Leng Xuan continued: "Then why did you finally agree?"

   "I don't agree." Ma Fu said, "Saint Ling said that she and fellow Daoist Li are going to a place, that place is called... What is it called Poison... Longtan, yes, Poison Longtan, that's what she said."

"Dulongtan?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly, "They haven't left the Tianhuo Palace, how do they know there is a place called Dulongtan?" After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Mo Ya, "You told them?" Ya shook his head and said, "Why would I tell them this? Besides, I've never even heard of Dulongtan. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot if you didn't say it. When I asked other people, there was a Tianhuo The palace disciple told me that those two friends of yours often chatted with him, and that Dulongtan was mentioned in the conversation... I'll call him over immediately, you can ask him personally." After a while, the Tianhuo Palace disciple asked He was called in front of Leng Xuan.

   "What do they usually say to you?" Leng Xuan looked at the other party and asked. "Fairy Ling and Fairy Li didn't talk to me a lot. The one they mentioned the most was the Poison Dragon Pool, and they also asked me if I knew the location of the Poison Dragon Pool. I heard people mention the Poison Dragon Pool before, so I told them about it. , I didn't expect so much. Later, they asked some more about the general area of ​​Xianyu." The other party replied honestly.

  Leng Xuan said: "Nothing else?" The other party shook his head, indicating that there was nothing else. Leng Xuan pondered for a while, then led the question to the Poison Dragon Pool, "What exactly is the Poison Dragon Pool you said?"

"Poison Dragon Pool is not well-known in Xianyu. In the north of Xianyu, there is a wild forest. There is a small force called Anyangmen. It is a very small force and is very inconspicuous in Xianyu. Near Anyangmen, there is a The water pool. The water pool is located in the center of the wild forest. It is bottomless and cold all the year round. I heard that there is a snake-shaped beast living in the water pool. Many disciples of Anyangmen died there. Therefore, Anyangmen put the The water pool is named Poison Dragon Pool and is listed as a dangerous place. The disciples of Anyangmen are generally not strong, and their sect masters are only high immortals. I estimate that the snake-shaped beast may have the level of Jinxian. Strength, so Anyangmen can't deal with it."

   "When they asked about Dulongtan, did they say what they were going to do there?" Leng Xuan continued to ask. "No." The other party replied, "At the beginning, I was also very strange, I didn't understand why they asked about that place. I also asked them at the time, but they didn't explain in detail. They didn't tell me, and neither did I. A lot of questions, after all, the palace master has explained that they are honored guests, and they must be responsive to their requests.”

  Leng Xuan smiled bitterly to himself, this is really not Mo Ya's responsibility. "What are the two of them going to do there?"

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