"Nothing has happened yet." Feng Lie said, "Don't worry too much. Senior Longzaki said that Chiwu is in good condition and there is no major problem." Leng Xuan wondered: "Why do you and Senior Zhongming only It took ten days to succeed, but Chiwu took such a long time?" Feng Lie shook his head and said, "I don't know that. I heard from Senior Ryuzaki that Chiwu is more troublesome than us. Of course, It's just trouble, it doesn't mean there's danger. Just relax, maybe you'll be able to see him in two days." Leng Xuan nodded, "I hope so." In the next few days, Leng Xuan saw There was nothing to do, so I chose to retreat and practice.

   Today, after seeing the power of the three kings of the God Realm and the demon emperor, he fully understands the importance of strength. Therefore, whenever he has free time, he devotes himself to cultivation. Ten days passed before Leng Xuan came out of retreat. In his opinion, in ten days, Chiwu should be out of the customs, and Gong Liang's injury should be almost healed. However, he quickly learned from Fenglie's mouth that Chiwu was still in retreat, and there was no movement at all. As for Gong Liang, after Chong Ming's confirmation, the other party has lost all memory. As for Leng Xuan's only hopeful beast, it was still in a coma. Although he woke up twice in the middle, he fell into a coma again after not holding on for long.

   Having nothing to do, Leng Xuan decided to go back to Tianhuo Palace first. It's been so long since I've been out, it's time to go back and have a look. Although he had been away for a while, the Tianhuo Palace was still the same as before, and there was no change. However, when Leng Xuan, who had returned to Tianhuo Palace, was about to meet Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie, he was told that they had already left some time ago. "How could you let them leave!" In the spacious hall, Leng Xuan asked Mo Ya with an ugly face.

   He let Ling Xuejiu and the others stay in the Heavenly Fire Palace because he hoped that Mo Ya could take care of them and protect their safety, but he let them leave privately, how could this not make him angry. If they have three long and two short, he doesn't know what to do. Besides, this is the fairyland, not the realm of self-cultivation. With their strength, no matter who they face, they will not have the ability to fight.

"Leng Xuan, calm down first." Mo Ya had a wry smile on his face, "You really can't blame me for this matter, your friend named Li Mengjie said that if he wants to go out for a walk, he will learn a lot. I rejected her. However, they disappeared within a few days. I asked everyone, and the guard on duty outside the door said that the two of them went out." Leng Xuan frowned, "Why didn't you ask someone to stop them? , actually let them go."

"Hey, they are all your friends and guests of my Tianhuo Palace. As the master, do I want people to watch them all the time and restrict their freedom?" Mo Ya was also a little helpless, "I have reminded them, I said about the danger of Xianyu, but they... what can I do." After listening to his words, Leng Xuan thought about it carefully and felt that something was wrong. He knew very well what kind of people Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie were.

   Before that, he had already emphasized to them that they must not leave the Heavenly Fire Palace. With the characters of the two of them, they would never ignore their own words, nor would they cause trouble for themselves. Moreover, they should be very clear that if they can't see their people when they come back, they will definitely worry him.

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