Leng Xuan looked at the mad tiger beast trapped in the sword formation, and saw that the opponent turned into a stream of red and white light, like a meteor falling from the sky, slamming into the sword formation. But listening to the loud bang, Leng Xuan's face turned pale, and a stream of blood gushed out, whirling in his throat, and almost vomited out. He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the pain in his body. Then, he turned his attention to the mad tiger beast in the sword formation again. Under the impact of the opponent, the light of the four beams has become dim, and it seems that it may disappear at any time.

   Looking at the mad tiger beast, after a round of impact, the white light on his body not only did not weaken, but instead became stronger. Feeling the increasingly violent aura, Leng Xuan's heart suddenly felt a trace of unease. Turning his head, he glanced at Fenglie and Qi Chen. However, those people were dealing with the flying insects in the sky, and they didn't have time to take care of him at all. And the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation he summoned was at most resisting a round of attacks from the mad tiger beast.

   Seeing that the Crazy Tiger Beast was ready to attack again, Leng Xuan stopped thinking about it, immediately turned around, and hurried to the distance. "Bang!" He didn't travel far when he heard a loud noise behind him. You don't need to look to know that it must be the mad tiger beast that broke through the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation. However, after flying for more than ten kilometers, a strong sense of crisis emerged in Leng Xuan's heart. He looked back and saw the mad tiger beast chasing after him, getting closer and closer.

   "Actually chased after him." His heart sank, and he immediately lowered his body and galloped down. Below that, there is a lush green forest, which may be able to avoid the pursuit of the mad tiger beast. However, although his idea was good, before he could reach the green forest, the mad tiger beast chased after him. The powerful impact is like overwhelming, rushing in. Leng Xuan only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a stream of blood could no longer be held back and spit out from his mouth.

   Affected by that powerful force, he felt as if his body fell apart, and there was pain everywhere. With a 'bang', his body lost control and fell directly into the green forest from mid-air.

   Spit out several mouthfuls of blood one after another, Leng Xuan struggled to get up, but he soon found that his body seemed to have lost strength and could not move. At this time, the mad tiger beast descended from the sky, just in front of him, approaching him step by step. Looking at the crimson eyes of the mad tiger beast, and his ferocious sharp teeth, Leng Xuan secretly swallowed his saliva. At this moment, he had nothing to do, he just hoped that Feng Lie and the others would come in time.

   However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Leng Xuan hoped that Feng Lie and the others would come, but until the mad tiger beast approached him, Feng Lie and the others did not appear. Looking at the hideous **** mouth, slowly reaching out to him, Leng Xuan had nothing to do except smile bitterly. Sometimes, he will think wildly, if he wants to die, what kind of death will it be. Or, at whose hands he died.

   However, he guessed so much, the only thing he didn't expect was that he would die at the hands of the mad tiger beast. The world is unpredictable, and this sentence is indeed true. Leng Xuan sighed secretly, looked up at the Crazy Tiger Beast, and said, "Senior Crazy Tiger, since you want to do it, give me a good time, so it's not worth our acquaintance."

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