Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his head to look, and saw more than a hundred **** generals galloping towards this side.

   When the gods came to the front, Qi Chen waved his hand and directly gave the order to attack. For a time, hundreds of gods and generals moved their bodies together and launched an offensive on those flying insects. As the gods approached, the flying insects surrounding the mad tiger beast immediately greeted them. As soon as the two sides played against each other, they heard screams one after another, incessantly. "This..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Leng Xuan's expression was sluggish, and his eyes were full of horror.

   As soon as those gods came into contact with flying insects, a purple flame immediately appeared on their bodies. Moreover, the purple flame can't be extinguished, and can only watch it spread to the whole body. In just a moment, those gods who were engulfed by the purple flames turned to ashes and filled the wind. "Come back, everyone, all come back!" Seeing such a heavy loss, Qi Chen immediately issued an order to retreat. Neither he nor Leng Xuan thought that these flying insects would be so terrifying. In less than a quarter of an hour, the hundreds of divine generals lost nearly half of their manpower. If Qi Chen's order was not issued in time, none of these gods would even think about living.

  Although the generals had retreated, the flying insects did not give up their pursuit, but instead accelerated and rushed towards the crowd. "Disperse!" Qi Chen immediately made a decision. Leng Xuan glanced around, at this moment, those flying insects were chasing the **** general, and the mad tiger beast stayed there alone, it was the right time to take action. Thinking of this, he moved, spared those flying insects from a distance, and came to the rear of the mad tiger beast.

   However, the Crazy Tiger Beast had already discovered his whereabouts. When he got behind him, he also turned his body around. Facing the crimson eyes of the mad tiger beast, Leng Xuan took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly. Suddenly, he tapped his toes, his body was like electricity, and he rushed out quickly. When the two sides were about to approach, Leng Xuan clasped his hands together, changing the seal, "The sword formation against the sky, imprison the world!" As his voice fell, four dazzling sword lights flickered out, descending from the sky, just in the madness Around the tiger beast, a huge square was formed. The Heaven-shattering Sword, the Heaven-splitting Sword, the Heaven-shaking Sword, and the Sky-shattering Sword, the four swords came out together, each bursting out with a splendid ray of light, reaching the sky.

   Four rays of light, like four huge beams of light, surrounded the mad tiger beast in the center. The mad tiger beast glanced at the four rays of light, then moved its limbs and rushed towards Leng Xuan. However, when he rushed to those few rays of light, he heard a loud 'bang' and bounced him back. Between those four rays of light, there seemed to be a layer of transparent enchantment that trapped him inside. Having experienced a failure, he did not let the mad tiger beast give up, but made him even more violent.

  Zhou slowly raised his front legs, again posing for an impact. At the same time, a faint white light emanated from his body. In that white light, there was also a trace of blood red light.

  Although the Crazy Tiger Beast has not yet launched an attack, Leng Xuan has already felt a powerful momentum coming from the sword formation. At the moment, he gritted his teeth, his hands quickly changed the seal, and he shot rays of light into the sword formation, consolidating the strength of the sword formation. Just after all this was completed, I saw the mad tiger beast in the sword formation attacking the sword formation.

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