Leng Xuan walked over to the corpse of one of the huge immortal beasts, stretched out his hand and squeezed its closed eyes to examine it. I saw that the eyes of the fairy beast showed a crimson color. Even if it is dead, the crimson color has not subsided, and it still remains in its eyes, looking very strange.

   He checked several corpses in a row and found that their conditions were almost the same. "Leng Xuan." At this moment, Feng Lie came over and said in a low voice, "I suspect that the minds of these immortal beasts and alien beasts are all under control."

Leng Xuan nodded, he also had the same suspicion, "Senior Feng, who do you think did it?" Feng Lie asked back, "What do you think?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly, in fact, both of them had the same thing in their hearts object of suspicion. It's just that he couldn't believe it. If all this is done by the mad tiger beast, then his strength is too terrifying. "I'm worried that Crazy Tiger has mutated." Feng Lie said in a low voice. "Mutation?" Leng Xuan was startled.

"Yes." Feng Lie said, "After the combination of the blood of the white tiger and his own blood, it may not be perfect, so there is a mutation. From the beginning, I have had this idea. However, the possibility of this mutation His **** is very low, so he didn't think much about it. If Crazy Tiger mutates, then he is likely to have some special means." Leng Xuan nodded, Feng Lie's guess was indeed reasonable.

   "Leng Xuan." While Leng Xuan and Feng Lie were communicating in low voices, Qi Chen's voice suddenly came over. "What's wrong?" Leng Xuan turned his head to look, only to see Qi Chen and Rowling walking towards them quickly. "Friend Leng, look there." Rowling pointed to the corpse of a fairy beast not far away. Leng Xuan took a closer look and found that there was a thin crack in the head of the corpse of the fairy beast. Immediately afterwards, in the crack, a worm came out of it.

  The shape of that bug is like that of a dragonfly, but its body is about half smaller than that of a dragonfly. Not only that, it is like a firefly, with a faint light inside its body. After the bug came out, it immediately flew into the sky. At the same time, the same situation occurred in the fairy beasts and alien beasts. Countless worms flew out of the corpse and gathered in the air, buzzing. As the bugs flew out of the corpse, Leng Xuan discovered that a purple flame emerged from the inside of the corpse. In less than a moment, the purple flames turned the hundreds of corpses into ashes.

  Leng Xuan stared blankly at the ashes remaining on the ground, and did not regain his senses for a while. These are all immortal beasts, but the mysterious purple flame can easily burn them up, which shows its horror. "They're going to fly away." Hearing Rowling's cry, Leng Xuan looked up and saw that the little insects were flying quickly into the air. Seeing this, he immediately said, "Let's go, let's follow." At that moment, the four of them moved their bodies and followed closely behind the bugs, not far or near.

   After about half an hour, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that a large wave of flying insects also appeared in the sky not far away. After the two waves of flying insects merged, they continued to fly forward. Before long, the number of these flying insects has exceeded thousands, and a large area is covered with blackness, like a rolling cloud. "Go down." I don't know how long it took, the flying insects suddenly changed direction and flew to the ground.

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