"Leng Xuan." Just as the four of them were resting, a voice came over, and everyone turned to look, only to see Qi Chen approaching and saying, "I found some clues." Leng Xuan got up immediately without saying a word. Said: "Go." The four of them galloped all the way, and after about half an hour, they joined a team. "Commander Qi." Seeing Qi Chen's arrival, a **** general saluted respectfully. Qi Chen asked, "What did you find?" The **** general pointed his finger at several mountain peaks not far away, and said, "Commander Qi, when we got here, we heard voices coming from inside. For the sake of safety, We didn't dare to go in, so we let you know first." Qi Chen said, "Are you sure it's an immortal beast?"

   "From the sound, it should be." The other party replied. Listening to the conversation between the two, Leng Xuan looked into the distance, looked at the mountain peaks, and secretly said, "I've been in this space for so long, and I haven't seen a single immortal beast. Could it be that they're all here?" Judging from the area of ​​the mountain, it seems that it cannot accommodate so many immortal beasts and exotic beasts. "Leng Xuan, what do you think?" Qi Chen came over and asked. "Anyway, let's go check the situation first." After speaking, Leng Xuan called Shang Fenglie and galloped straight to the peaks. "You stay here, let's go check the situation." Qi Chen explained to several other gods, and then followed Rowling to catch up.

   When he came to the edge of the mountain, Leng Xuan suddenly heard that there was indeed a sound coming from the center of several peaks. At the moment, the four carefully climbed to the top of one of the peaks, and then looked at the middle of several peaks. Immediately, the expressions of the four of them changed, and their eyes were full of horror. In the middle of those several mountain peaks, there are many immortal beasts and exotic beasts, the number of which is no less than a hundred. Not only that, but there are also many corpses of immortal beasts and alien beasts, the number of which is several times more than that of living immortal beasts. At this moment, those living fairy beasts and strange beasts are beating wildly, as if they have lost their minds, killing each other. "How could this be?" Qi Chen was very surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

   "Brother Qi, has nothing like this happened before?" Leng Xuan asked. In his opinion, the slaughter between fairy beasts and alien beasts is a normal thing. "There are, but there has never been such a big scene." As Qi Chen said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at an immortal beast at the foot of the mountain: "Look, that's the Yangmi beast, among all immortal beasts. , Yang Mi Beast has the mildest temperament, and will never attack others. Even if they start killing their own kind, this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems." Leng Xuan studied it carefully for a while. Soon, he discovered a problem. These immortal beasts and alien beasts have almost no specific opponents. Whoever is closest will attack whomever is closest, which is completely aimless killing. Moreover, judging from their actions, they all seem to have lost their minds. The melee took more than an hour to end, and in the end only one fairy beast succeeded in winning.

   However, although the fairy beast was the last survivor, its body was covered with scars and blood dripping. After walking a few steps, the immortal beast slanted its body and fell to the ground, and its vitality gradually disappeared. Although he won, his severe injuries still cost him his life. Seeing that everything was over, Leng Xuan and the four immediately flew down from the mountain peak and came to the corpse.

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