"Leng Xuan, they still haven't responded." At this moment, Guigu came over and said. In his hand, there is a jade piece, which was given to him by Prison Valley, and the two parties can use it to communicate.

   "Just wait and see."

   This time, another half day has passed.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" At this time, at the entrance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, Leng Xuan was walking back and forth, his brows furrowed. It had been so long, and Prison Valley and Yang Huan had not yet appeared. He became more and more convinced of his intuition. , something must have happened, otherwise, the two of them couldn't have come back for so long. Just when Leng Xuan was worried, Guigu on the side suddenly shouted: "Leng Xuan, look, they are back." Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan immediately turned his head and looked into the air.

   Sure enough, I saw Prison Valley and Yang Huan quickly galloping towards this side. However, when the other party approached, Leng Xuan's expression changed. He was surprised to find that both prisoners had injuries on their bodies, and they were very serious.

   Without waiting for Leng Xuan to ask more questions, he only listened to the prisoner Gu's solemn voice: "Hurry in!" Leng Xuan did not hesitate, and immediately followed the two into the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. Arriving in the valley, Prison Valley did not give Leng Xuan a chance to ask questions, and directly said to Yang Huan: "Start the great formation immediately, notify all the immortal beasts, and be ready to fight at any time." Yang Huan responded and left in a hurry. As soon as Yang Huan left, Prison Gu's legs became weak and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Leng Xuan found out in time and quickly supported his body, "Senior, are you all right?" Prison Gu waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it. I, you go to Taniguchi to see if those guys are chasing after you."

  Leng Xuan nodded and handed the Prison Valley to Ghost Valley to take care of, while he ran to the mouth of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. When he came to Taniguchi, he found that there were many people outside Taniguchi, not only the subordinates of the three kings of the gods, but also many disciples of Yin Yuandian. "They actually chased here." Leng Xuan frowned secretly. However, although these people came after him, with the strength of Prison Valley and Yang Huan, they shouldn't have been hurt by them. Could it be that... thinking of that possibility, his expression suddenly changed. "It really is them." At this time, there were several people in Leng Xuan's line of sight, and they were the three kings of the gods. Behind the three kings of the gods, there is the demon emperor. The two sides each led a team of people and stood in mid-air, with a clear distinction between them.

   They were the only ones who could hurt Prison Valley and Yang Huan. "No wonder Prison Valley and the others are so nervous. It turns out that these guys were dispatched in person." Thinking of this, he didn't feel a little puzzled. For the sake of a mere immortal beast, is it necessary to recruit so many people? Could it be that the descendants of Xuanwu are not so simple? Back in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, Leng Xuan reported the situation to Prison Valley. Prison Valley sat on the ground, panting, calming the pain in his body, and said: "Don't worry too much, as long as we are in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, they will not be able to attack for a while." After a pause, he turned his mouth. Asked: "Where is the descendant of Xuanwu? Ask it to come and see me."

Leng Xuan said: "I was worried that something happened to you before, so I asked Senior Feng to take it to the Four Holy Mountains first." Prison Valley nodded slowly and said, "Your decision is correct, it's just... , you can't know the reason." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood. Presumably Prison Valley has the same doubts as him, and does not understand why the three kings of the gods and the demon emperor are chasing a fairy beast.

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