"How can I trust you?" asked the descendant of Xuanwu. Hearing this, Feng Lie swayed and rushed straight into the clouds. For a while, I saw a flash of blue light, like a blazing sun, covering the earth. Along with the cyan brilliance, a powerful sense of oppression came madly. Leng Xuan only felt his body sink, as if there was a mountain on his shoulders, unable to move. However, compared to him, the descendants of Xuanwu were even worse. He lowered his head and seemed to want to resist the pressure, but he never succeeded. After Feng Lie absorbed the blood of the four holy beasts, he has become the Qinglong holy beast. Among the four holy beasts, the Qinglong holy beast is the leader of the beasts. Even the other three holy beasts in the four holy beasts are not comparable to the Qinglong holy beast in terms of level. As the king of beasts, the descendants of Xuanwu felt even more pressure under that power.

   That powerful pressure lasted for half a minute before Fenglie removed it. "Chongming has seen the Qinglong holy beast." At this time, the descendants of Xuanwu lowered their heads and expressed their respect to Fenglie.

  Leng Xuan couldn't help but smile when he saw that Fenglie had successfully won the trust of Xuanwu's descendants. Immediately, he looked around, glanced at the surrounding gods and Yin Yuandian's disciples, and said, "If you don't want to die, get out."

   Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and quickly moved their bodies to run away. A Feng Lie has already made them very difficult, plus the descendants of Xuanwu, they know that they are not opponents, and staying is only a dead end.

   "Senior Guigu, immediately send a message to Senior Prisoner Valley, telling him that we have found the descendant of Xuanwu, and let him return to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts to join us." Leng Xuan said. "Okay, I'll notify them immediately." Guigu responded. In order to avoid the appearance of the three kings of the gods and the demon emperor, Leng Xuan did not stay in the gods, but returned to the fairyland and rushed to the valley of the beasts.

   Returning to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, after a long time, Leng Xuan did not see Prison Valley and Yang Huan coming back, "Senior Guigu, have you notified them?" Guigu said, "The message has been sent to them."

"Why haven't you come back for so long?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly, "Isn't there an accident on the road?" Feng Lie on the side said, "Don't worry, Senior Prisoner Valley has lived for tens of thousands of years, how can it be so easy to deal with. "

   "I hope so." However, half a day passed and another half day passed, and after a full day, they did not see Prison Valley and the others. This time, not only Leng Xuan, but even Guigu and Fenglie started to worry.

   "Senior Wind."

"What's wrong?"

Leng Xuan said: "Before they come back, take Senior Chongming to the Four Sacred Mountains first." After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the Chiwu Sword immediately appeared in his hand, "Take Chiwu there too. ."

"What are you doing?" Feng Lie wondered, "Wait until Senior Prison Valley and the others come back." Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know why, I have a bad feeling, you take them away first, as long as You are safe, and we still have hope."

   "No, let's go together. I'm not at ease if you stay here."

"Senior Feng, stop arguing, hurry up and leave, I will take care of myself. Besides, this is the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, even if it is really dangerous, there are still so many immortal beasts, who can hurt me." "That's good. Right." Feng Lie knew that he couldn't speak to him, so he nodded immediately, "Be careful yourself." After he finished speaking, he took the Chiwu Sword and Chongming out of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts and rushed to the Four Sacred Mountains.

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