Leng Xuan and the others haven't reacted yet, the gold powder has already fallen on the surface of the stone statue, sticking tightly to it.

   Immediately afterwards, the gold powder began to penetrate into the stone statue little by little. Seeing such a change, the three of Leng Xuan stepped back unconsciously, not daring to approach. Based on Leng Xuan's experience, in such a situation, strange things must happen. As he expected, when all the gold powder was absorbed by the stone statue, a faint golden light burst out from the stone statue and filled the ancient temple. Bathed in the golden light, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that the back of the stone statue actually cracked. "Nothing will come out, right?" Leng Xuan thought to himself, and a heart couldn't help but lift.

   However, things did not develop as he imagined. As the back of the stone statue cracked, the golden light began to slowly withdraw into the stone statue, and everything returned to its previous appearance. Leng Xuan came to the back of the stone statue, looked in through the crack, and found that the interior of the stone statue was hollow and there was nothing. "It's weird." Leng Xuan secretly said, "What's the use of this thing?" At this time, Guigu on the side asked, "Leng Xuan, what do you think?"

  Leng Xuan shook his head and did not answer. This ancient temple is full of weirdness, and God knows what's wrong behind this stone statue. After thinking for a while, he walked to the back of the stone statue and put his eyes closer, ready to take a closer look. However, when he walked within half a meter behind the stone statue, he suddenly felt a strong suction gushes out from the stone statue, pulling his body. He resisted, but the suction was so powerful that it sucked him directly into the body of the stone statue. When Guigu and Mo Ya saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed forward, trying to pull Leng Xuan out. However, before the two of them could make a move, the crack on the back of the statue had already closed, sealing Leng Xuan inside.

   "Leng Xuan!" Guigu shouted his name loudly, but Leng Xuan, who was inside the stone statue at the moment, did not hear Guigu and the others. At this time, he was struggling in a panic, trying to escape from the inside of the stone statue. But he soon discovered that the more he struggled, the more the inside of the stone statue condensed, squeezing his body tightly in the center, making him unable to move. If it goes on like this, he won't even be able to breathe. After Qiang Zi calmed down, Leng Xuan didn't move, but thought about his current situation. He believed that it should not be that simple to be sucked into the interior of the stone statue. Sure enough, after a while, Leng Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up. He was surprised to find that he could see everything outside clearly through the inside of the stone statue. At this time, he turned his head habitually, wanting to turn his eyes to Guigu and the others behind him.

   To his surprise, as he turned, the sight of the stone statue actually moved. At the same time, he could feel that the head of the stone statue seemed to be turning. Soon, Guigu and Mo Ya appeared in his sight. "Senior, Palace Master Mo." He tried to call out. "Leng Xuan? Is that you?" Hearing Guigu's voice in his ears, Leng Xuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Guigu and Mo Ya could hear what he said. Immediately, he moved his legs and walked down from the stone platform on which the stone statue was placed.

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