Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but feel a little moved, the spirit daffodil beast made such a move, indicating that there was something in the passage.

   Immediately, he walked to the stone wall of the passage, waved his fist, and smashed it hard. After several consecutive attacks, the stones on the stone wall suddenly fell off layer by layer. "Bang!" But after hearing a loud noise, as Leng Xuan's steel fist struck again, I saw that the stone wall actually shattered from it, revealing a hidden passage. "Good guy." Leng Xuan patted the head of the daffodil beast, and a smile appeared on his face. "Senior, Palace Master Mo, let's go in." After speaking, Leng Xuan walked towards the passage first. As soon as he entered the passage, Leng Xuan immediately felt a shady breath coming from the depths. "Leng Xuan, be careful." Mo Ya reminded kindly.

  Leng Xuan nodded lightly, slowed his pace, and moved forward cautiously. Compared to Leng Xuan's caution, the spirit water fairy beast was much bolder, and before Leng Xuan could catch up, it already ran ahead. This hidden passage is not long, about forty or fifty meters. When Leng Xuan came to the end of the passage, he found that there was a huge and empty space at the end. In this space, there is also an ancient temple.

  Leng Xuan and the three came to the ancient temple and looked carefully. Soon, Leng Xuan discovered that this ancient temple was almost the same as the ancient temple he had seen before, the only difference was that this ancient temple was much smaller. "Why is there an ancient temple here?" Mo Ya was a little strange. Guigu guessed: "Could it be... this ancient temple is the real thing, and the ancient temple outside is just a decoration?" Leng Xuan said: "Don't think too much about it, since you're here, you might as well go in and have a look. Look." With that, he moved his steps and walked towards the ancient temple. Entering the ancient temple, Leng Xuan immediately saw a tall stone statue in his sight, just like the stone statue he had seen in that ancient temple before.

   However, the difference is that the stone statue I saw before is very ordinary, and the stone statue in front of me is obviously much better in craftsmanship. Every detail is in place, and the man's face and temperament are portrayed lifelike. Leng Xuan walked to the stone statue and glanced at it, only to see a line of characters engraved on the bottom of the stone statue. It's just, I don't know why, that line is not very clear, I can't see it clearly. He called Guigu and Mo Ya to his side, and the three of them studied it carefully for a while, but couldn't recognize what the line was. "Leng Xuan, look at that." At this moment, Mo Ya pointed to the other side. There, there is an offering table. There is an exquisite incense burner on the altar. Other than that, nothing else. What Mo Ya said was the incense burner. The three of them came to the altar and carefully opened the top cover of the incense burner. Immediately, a faint fragrance gushed out of it and spread rapidly in the air.

   Leng Xuan didn't care too much about the fragrance. At this moment, his eyes have been attracted by the things in the incense burner. In that censer, there is a small pile of powder. The pile of powder was not the ashes of incense candles, but a golden powder that looked like gold powder on the surface. However, Leng Xuan did not think it was gold powder. In such a place, there is no possibility of such vulgar things appearing. Thinking of this, he held the incense burner and poured the gold powder inside it on the altar. However, when the gold powder left the incense burner, it immediately flew towards the stone statue opposite the altar.

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