Money host. Leng Xuan responded, and just like yesterday, he disguised himself as a disciple of the Hall of Destiny and walked out of the house with the moon candle.

   After a while, the three came to the house where Ruan Lang was. In the spacious room, in addition to the gods who were still in a coma, in the corner of the room, there were a lot of materials piled up, all collected by Qian Dong with people yesterday. "Old lady, everything is ready, it's your turn to take action." Ruan Lang said. "The two of them stayed for me to fight, and everyone else went out." Yue Zhu pointed at Leng Xuan and Qian Dong, and said in a cold tone.

"No problem." Ruan Lang walked out without any doubts. When he passed by Qian Dong, he patted him on the shoulder and explained, "Help Senior Yuezhu well." After that, Leng Xuan and Yuezhu immediately got busy. "It's up to you." Looking at the spirit water fairy beast in front of him, Leng Xuan said secretly. I saw the mouth of the narcissus beast, and spit out a purple flame. The purple flame floated in mid-air, divided into two, divided into four, and soon turned into dozens of flames. Immediately afterwards, under the control of the narcissus beast, these flames fell to the gods on the ground.

As soon as the   purple flames touched the bodies of those divine generals, they exploded immediately, and in the blink of an eye, the bodies of those divine generals were engulfed by the flames. At the same time, the moon candle slowly sent the material into the fireball. With the addition of materials, the fire of the purple flame immediately grew stronger. Fortunately, they set up a barrier in the house, otherwise, the fire would have already destroyed the house.

   "Senior Yuezhu, how is the situation?" After half an hour, Leng Xuan asked. Yuezhu shook his head and said, "No, it's still a little short. Compared with Yanping's ghost fire, this ghost fire is still a bit different, so it will take a little longer." Leng Xuan said: "It's fine, as long as you can To be successful, taking a little more time is not a problem.”

   However, Leng Xuan obviously underestimated the "long time" that Yuezhu said. It has been a day, and their refining is still unsuccessful. Leng Xuan remembered that when he was in Feixiangu last time, Yuezhu and Yanping joined hands, and it didn't take long to succeed. "Old lady, are you all right?" Hearing Ruan Lang's voice coming from outside, Yue Zhu didn't reply, but looked at the gods surrounded by flames. After a while, I saw Yuezhu turned her head and said, "Okay, stop it." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately asked the spirit water fairy beast to take the ghost fire back into the body. After a day of refining, the gods on earth have not changed much. If you have to say change, it is their breath.

   Before that, these gods would still have a trace of vitality, but now, apart from being cold, there is no breath on their bodies. "Let's go." Yue Zhu wiped his sweat and said. At the end of the day, after refining so many divine generals, she was exhausted. When he came out of the house, Leng Xuan found that Ruan Lang, Uncle Zhang and Qin Qianyu were all guarding outside. Seeing the three of them come out, Ruan Lang immediately greeted Yuezhu and asked, "How is it, old lady?"

   "The things you asked me to do have been completed, can I leave?" Facing Ruan Lang, Yue Zhu's face immediately turned cold. Hearing this, Ruan Lang couldn't help but turn his attention to Qin Qianyu. I just heard the latter say: "Why so worry, you have worked hard all day, you must be tired, why don't you go to rest first. Qian Dong, why don't you send Senior Yuezhu back."

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