Ruan Lang looked at Moon Candle Road. Yue Zhu said coldly, "You should know my rules. If you ask me for help, you will have to pay a price. If there is no corresponding benefit, I will not take action." As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Qin Qianyu say: " You want benefits? Well, as long as you get things done, I'll spare your life, how? This benefit should be big enough."

   Hearing this, Yue Zhu frowned and did not answer. After a while, she slowly said, "What do you want me to do?" Ruan Lang smiled and said, "We hope you can help transform the bodies of these divine generals. I heard people say that you assisted Emperor Hunyuan in transforming these generals. The gods have been refined into puppets. In this case, I think you must have a way to make the flesh of these gods stronger." Yue Zhu said: "It's not a big problem, but I don't have the materials."

  Qin Qianyu said: "Don't worry, the materials are not a problem, as long as you can meet my requirements, no matter what you want, I can get it for you."

"Okay." At the moment, Yuezhu will report the materials that will be used one by one, "You have prepared these materials, and then come to me." Ruan Lang replied: "No problem, within a day, it must be ready. "Qian Dong, take Senior Yuezhu down, treat them well, and don't make any mistakes, understand?" Qian Dong nodded, then left the room with Leng Xuan and Yuezhu.

   Back in the house, in order to avoid causing Ruan Lang and the others to suspect, Yue Zhu was still locked in the cage. But at this moment, a voice came from outside: "Deacon Qian, the old palace master asked you to come over." Hearing this, Qian Dong looked at Leng Xuan in embarrassment. Leng Xuan frowned secretly, he knew in his heart that Ruan Lang asked Qian Dong to go over, and he must be asked to collect materials. However, if he doesn't follow Qian Dong, God knows if he will tell his story. Seeing Leng Xuan hesitating, Qian Dong couldn't help but say: "Palace Master, don't worry, I won't betray you." Leng Xuan glanced at him and said, "How can I trust you?"

"This..." Before Qian Dong could finish speaking, she only heard Yuezhu say, "This is easy to do." After speaking, she loosened the chains on her body, took out an elixir from her arms, and handed it to Qian Dong's In front of him, "Take this, this is a poison I developed myself, and I am the only one in the world who can detoxify it. If you don't come to me within two days, I believe you should know what the consequences will be." Wen Yan , Qian Dong couldn't help but turn his attention to Leng Xuan.

"If you want me to believe you, this is the best way." Leng Xuan said, "Don't blame me for being cruel, I am also helpless." Qian Dong nodded, "I see." The medicine pill that Guo Yuezhu handed over was swallowed. "Palace Master, then I'll go first." After speaking, he turned and left the room. After watching him go, Leng Xuan exhaled and said, "I hope he won't confess me."

   "There is no one now, why don't we leave now?" Yuezhu asked. Leng Xuan said: "I have an idea, and I hope that senior can help me." After speaking, he leaned into Yuezhu's ear and whispered. After listening to this, Yue Zhu's eyes lit up and said, "This is indeed a solution. Well, if that's the case, then I will help you once." The day passed quickly. The next morning, Qian Dong appeared in front of Leng Xuan and Yuezhu again.

   "Palace Master, Senior Moon Candle, the materials are all ready to come, the old palace invites you to come over." Qian Dongdao.

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