opened his eyes, Leng Xuan looked around, and found that there was a solid object behind him, like a wall. Seeing that the suction force weakened, he immediately controlled his body and reached out to touch the hard object. "Huh?" Feeling the coldness in his palm, he was a little surprised. He was surprised to find that when his palm pressed on the thing, a strange force followed his palm and quickly poured into his body. After running for a week, his injuries actually improved.

   Seeing this, he no longer hesitated, and immediately put both hands on the object. For a time, the mighty power poured into his body crazily, circulating among the limbs and bones. At the same time, he secretly activated the Heaven Defying Art, absorbing that power and turning it into his own cultivation.

   Time passed a little bit, and I don’t know how long it took. At this time, Leng Xuan’s mind was completely absorbed in his cultivation. At this moment, the pendant that had been hanging on Leng Xuan's waist suddenly lit up a little. That pendant was given to him by Qin Qianyu when he left the Hall of Destiny.

   "Leng Xuan...he will be fine, right?" At this moment, outside the black hole, Ling Xuejiu was anxiously asking everyone. Feng Lie and Long Lingzi shook their heads, not knowing what to say. It had been three days since Leng Xuan was sucked into that black hole. During these three days, the aura absorbed by the black hole gradually decreased, but Leng Xuan never came out of it, which had to worry everyone.

   "I said, why don't we send a few people in to take a look?" After a while, Long Lingzi suggested. Feng Lie shook his head and said, "No, that's too dangerous. Everything in the black hole is unknown. Moreover, with Leng Xuan's current strength, if he can't even come out, then it's useless for us to go." Ma Fuying beside him Said: "Everyone, don't be impatient, Lord Leng has a great life, I believe he will be fine."

   Just as everyone was talking, a gap suddenly opened in the sky above their heads. Faced with this sudden change, everyone couldn't help but change their expressions. "Look, someone came out." I don't know who shouted, and everyone turned their attention to the center of the crack. Immediately, there was a flash of light. Immediately, in their sight, a beautiful woman appeared.

The woman stood quietly in the air, her beautiful eyes looking at the black hole not far away, her brows furrowed, "His luck is really good." Muttering to herself, the woman then turned her eyes to the others around her. . "This fellow Daoist..." Seeing the other side, Feng Lie stepped forward and asked. However, before he could finish his words, he heard the woman sneer: "Fellow Daoist? You look down on yourself too much."

Hearing this, Feng Lie was taken aback and said hurriedly: "It turned out to be the immortal master who arrived, and I hope to forgive my sin." The woman said in a cold tone: "You are all friends of Leng Xuan?" Feng Lie replied: "Yes, the Immortal Master knows Leng Xuan. Could it be that you are also friends?"

   "Friend... It depends on his choice." As soon as the voice fell, the woman suddenly raised her hand and waved to everyone. For a time, everyone present felt their whole body tense, as if they were imprisoned and unable to move. "Immortal Master, you...what are you doing?" Feeling the abnormality in his body, Feng Lie's face suddenly changed, and he said in shock.

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