Leng Xuan sighed in his heart, there is no way, although they have a lot of people, their strength is flawed, even if they are added together, I am afraid they can't compare to him. "That's right." Suddenly, Leng Xuan thought of a way. The Demon Emperor had explained to him that after he destroyed the formation, he must set up another formation to prevent the three kings of the God Realm from doing such a thing again.

  Since that formation has restraint, it may be able to destroy the formation set up by the three kings of the gods. Thinking of this, he immediately acted, and according to the method taught by the demon emperor, he set up another large formation around the formation. It took about a few minutes for the formation to be deployed smoothly.

   pushed everyone back, Leng Xuan took a breath, made a seal with his hands, and spit out the word 'open' from his mouth. In an instant, a splendid light burst out, shrouding the formation created by the three kings of the Gods Domain. "It's done?" Leng Xuan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he felt the surrounding aura become stable again. However, at this moment, a powerful air wave suddenly burst open.

   and everyone including him, under that terrifying shock wave, saw them fly away. Affected by the air wave, Leng Xuan only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a stream of blood spit out from his mouth. By contrast, others were hurt more than him.

   "Little Jie." Leng Xuan's eyes swept away, only to see Li Mengjie falling from the sky. Among the crowd, Li Mengjie specializes in poison art, and is not very strong in cultivation. Therefore, under the impact of that air wave, her injuries were even more serious. His body turned, he rushed over quickly, grabbed Li Mengjie who was falling, then reached out and patted her face, calling her name loudly. However, at this time, Li Mengjie had fallen into a coma and never woke up.

   "Xuejie, take care of Xiaojie first." Leng Xuan handed Li Mengjie into Ling Xuejie's hands, and he looked at the big formation in the sky. At this moment, under the mutual impact of the two formations, the huge tornado had disappeared. However, Leng Xuan did not let out a sigh of relief, instead he frowned. Although the channel has been closed, the interaction of the two formations has produced a series of chain reactions, so that a huge black hole appears in the sky. The black hole is more terrifying than the channel just now, and it is crazy Absorb the surrounding aura.

  Leng Xuan came to the edge of the black hole and looked around a few times, trying to figure out the structure of the black hole. However, when he reached the edge of the black hole, a strong suction force suddenly came, not giving him any chance to resist, and directly pulled him in. This sudden change made Leng Xuan look shocked. He quickly calmed down and tried to control his figure. Under the suction of the black hole, he quickly rushed to the depths.

   "What the **** is this place?" Leng Xuan looked around, looking around the black hole, only to see many thin bright spots on the inner surface of the black hole, like bright stars, visible but inaccessible. I don't know how long it took, Leng Xuan tried hard to regain control of his body. However, that suction always existed, making him helpless. Lying quietly in the center of the black hole, Leng Xuan closed his eyes and let his body move inward. At this moment, he has given up all resistance.

   Suddenly, Leng Xuan felt as if his body had hit something, and the suction force could gradually weaken.

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