He stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman, picked up the woman directly, then increased his speed, and galloped forward as if flying. Seeing this, the two men immediately moved their bodies and prepared to go after them. "Okay, no need to chase." At this time, the indifferent voice of the demon emperor came from the side, "We have more important things to do, let him go." At this time, Leng Xuan brought the name The woman ran all the way, and he was relieved until he confirmed that there were no pursuers behind him.

Putting the injured woman's body gently on the ground, Leng Xuan asked, "How is your injury?" The woman shook her head, "No big problem, just now..." Leng Xuan smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome. "

   "My name is Rowling, haven't I asked for advice yet?" Because Leng Xuan had rescued her just now, her attitude towards Leng Xuan was obviously much softer at this moment. "It's under Leng Xuan." Leng Xuan cupped his hands and saluted. After a pause, he turned to ask: "You said just now that you are the defender of God's Domain, why are you the only one?" Rowling said gloomily: "The others... they are all dead."

   "Dead?" Leng Xuan was startled. Although he knew that destroying the balance of the Immortal Realm brought great disaster to the Divine Realm. However, these guards are all golden immortals, how can they die so easily? After thinking for a while, he asked, "Do you know what happened?" Rowling shook her head, "All of this happened so suddenly, and the fairyland has existed for so many years, nothing like this has ever happened." Leng Xuan Dao: "What about the three kings of the God Realm?"

"I don't know." Rowling replied, "Since this disaster appeared, we have not received any orders from the three kings. They... they seem to have disappeared." Speaking of which, she asked suddenly: " Who was that person just now?"

   "You mean demon... Emperor Hunyuan?"

"Emperor Hunyuan?" Rowling's face changed suddenly, "You mean, the man just now was Emperor Hunyuan? No wonder...no wonder his subordinates are so powerful. You...how did you meet him? "

"That's a long story. All in all, I'm not with him." Leng Xuan said, "Fairy Luo, where do you live, I'll take you back first." Rowling nodded and then added her address I told Leng Xuan. With Rowling, Leng Xuan dashed all the way through the Divine Realm. With Rowling's guidance, it didn't take long before Leng Xuan came to the outside of a ruined building complex. Under the piles of rubble, Leng Xuan could still see many corpses.

   "All dead..." Looking at the scene in front of her, Rowling murmured, her face looking very sad. Leng Xuan was secretly shocked, what happened to this God's Domain, and it actually became like this. "Save...Save me..." At this moment, an intermittent voice came from the rubble not far away. Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan immediately rushed over with Rowling. Soon, he saw a man lying in a pile of gravel, his lower body was pressed by a huge stone, and there were scars and blood all over his body. "Brother Qi." Seeing the other party, Rowling exclaimed and rushed over, "Friend Leng, I beg you, save him quickly."

  Leng Xuan responded, stretched out his hand to smash the boulder, and then slowly dragged the man out of the pile of rubble. Leng Xuan found that the man's lower body had been smashed to a pulp, almost turned into a pile of meat, which was terrible.

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