Standing on the land of God's Domain, Leng Xuan could not feel a trace of spiritual energy, as if the world had been exhausted, the sky was dark, and there was no light in sight. And around, he couldn't see a trace of anger, and all the grass and trees had died. Seeing this, he was secretly surprised. Could it be that breaking the balance of the Immortal Realm will have such a big impact on the Divine Realm? Just as he was thinking, a cold voice suddenly entered his ears: "Who are you?"

  Leng Xuan turned around and saw a woman standing not far from him. The woman had a beautiful appearance, her beautiful eyes had no emotion at all, and she was as cold as frost. "Who are you?" he asked rhetorically.

   "Are you from Xianyu?" The woman didn't answer his question, but continued to ask. Leng Xuan nodded, this can be seen from his cultivation. Those who can move in God's Domain are at least Jin Immortal, and he is only a High Immortal. "Go back immediately, God's Domain is not a place for you to stay." The woman scolded. Hearing this, Leng Xuan smiled and said: "Why can't you stay? Now the barrier between Immortal Realm and Divine Realm has been destroyed. It won't be long before people from Immortal Realm will enter Divine Realm. You can stop me, but you can't stop it. Everyone in Xianyu."

"I am the guardian of the God's Domain, and it is my duty to guard the God's Domain." The woman said coldly, "I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Feeling the powerful momentum emerging from the other side, Leng Xuan felt in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh, "Jinxian?" With his current strength, he's probably still struggling to face Jinxian. Thinking of this, he smiled helplessly, turned around and prepared to return to the fairyland from the crack. However, just as he was about to leave, more than a dozen men suddenly appeared around the crack. Among those men, the leader was the Demon Emperor.

   "You're here too?" Seeing Leng Xuan, the demon emperor was obviously stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It seems that you are very curious about God's Domain. Since you are here, you might as well go around with me."

Before Leng Xuan could speak, the icy voice sounded again: "This is God's Domain, not where you came from." Hearing this, the Demon Emperor turned his head, glanced at the woman, and then took his eyes back. As if he didn't pay attention to the woman. "You don't eat or drink for a toast, hum!" Being so ignored by the demon emperor, the woman was furious and launched an attack directly at the demon emperor.

   However, before the woman rushed to the front of the demon emperor, the two men standing behind the demon emperor had already taken the shot and greeted the woman. But after hearing the two loud bangs of 'bang bang', with the joint efforts of the two men, the woman was knocked out without even a single move, and fell heavily to the ground. "Kill her." The demon emperor said directly without looking at the woman.

   Seeing the two men walking towards the woman, Leng Xuan hurriedly said, "Stop."

   "You want to save her?" The Demon Emperor said with a half-smile.

   "She doesn't pose a threat to you, so why take her life."

   "What I want to do, that's my business, no one can question my order, even you." The demon emperor said. As soon as these words came out, the two men turned their attention to the woman again. Seeing that the woman was about to be beheaded, Leng Xuan frowned. Suddenly, he moved, and without waiting for the two men to react, he rushed from behind, just in the middle of the two, and rushed to the woman's side before them.

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