In just a few breaths, the female Beastmaster had already caught up with the two of them. Feeling the oppression coming from behind, Leng Xuan didn't dare to look back, and hurriedly maximized his speed.

  However, compared to the Demon Emperor, he obviously does not have an advantage in speed. Seeing that the demon emperor in front was getting farther and farther, and the beast king in the back was getting closer, Leng Xuan was helpless. That female Beastmaster didn't even dare to fight recklessly with the Demon Emperor, let alone him.

   At this moment, the demon emperor who had been rushing ahead suddenly stopped and looked back at him. "What is this guy doing?" Leng Xuan was puzzled, not understanding why the Demon Emperor turned around at this time. Just when he was puzzled, the demon emperor suddenly made a gesture to him.

   Upon seeing this, he immediately understood. When the two sides were still more than ten meters apart, Leng Xuan's figure suddenly pressed down. This action of his made the beast king behind him face the demon emperor directly. The Beastmaster didn't expect the Demon Emperor to appear there, and he didn't even have any precautions. But after hearing a loud 'bang', the demon emperor's fist slammed heavily on its head. The powerful force rushed forward, directly knocking the beast king back more than ten meters, and his body fell uncontrollably.

   "Go!" Seeing that the action of the Beastmaster was stopped, the Demon Emperor immediately greeted Leng Xuan. When the two flew more than ten kilometers, the female beastmaster controlled her body and chased after it again. At this moment, although Leng Xuan was still a little nervous, he was relieved. Judging from the actions of the Demon Emperor just now, it is obvious that he will not disregard his own safety. Turning his head and looking at the female beast king who was catching up gradually, he opened his mouth and said, "Sooner or later, it will catch up with it." The demon emperor replied, "Don't worry, come with me." When the words fell, he lowered his body. , go straight to the ground.

   Following behind the Demon Emperor, Leng Xuan hurried all the way. After about a quarter of an hour, they arrived in a group of mountains. Leng Xuan looked around and asked, "What are we doing here?" The Demon Emperor didn't respond to his question, but went straight to the depths of the mountains.

   At this time, the female Beastmaster was less than two kilometers away from them. "Come here!" The demon emperor waved to Leng Xuan, who immediately followed. Soon, the two fell to one of the peaks. Looking at the rapidly approaching Beastmaster, Leng Xuan couldn't help but turn his head to glance at the Demon Emperor beside him, but saw him standing there calmly, as if he did not feel the impending crisis.

  One kilometer...five hundred hundred meters. As the female beastmaster approached, Leng Xuan felt more and more pressure. However, just when the beastmaster was fifty meters away from them, a loud noise suddenly entered Leng Xuan's ears. Immediately afterwards, the female Beastmaster seemed to hit something, and the ground shook. Leng Xuan looked at the beast king who fell from the sky, his face was full of surprise.

   "This... what's going on here?" He said with a surprised expression. The Demon Emperor smiled indifferently and said, "You must keep a backhand in everything you do, and learn from it later." As his voice fell, a huge barrier suddenly appeared in Leng Xuan's eyes. At the same time, on the surrounding peaks, a splendid beam of light lit up and shot straight into the air. "This is the formation?" Leng Xuan asked in surprise.

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