"From the perspective of appearance, it is indeed the Beastmaster..." Having said that, the Demon Emperor said: "Forget it, don't think about it so much, let's go back."

   However, just as the two were about to leave, two water columns suddenly appeared in the lake, rushing into the air like a dragon sucking water. The Demon Emperor found out in time, and before the two water jets rushed towards him, he had already pushed Leng Xuan aside, and he flew to the other side, avoiding the impact of the two water jets. Leng Xuan secretly rejoiced that if the Demon Emperor hadn't pushed him away in time, he would have been unable to avoid the sudden attack.

   "There is also a rock ant beast below!" The Demon Emperor frowned. Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked, "Is it the Beastmaster?"

  The Demon Emperor shook his head, not sure. "Just look at it." As soon as the voice fell, he moved again, and the fleshy palm gently lifted and patted the lake. Suddenly, only a loud 'bang' was heard, and the lake surface immediately exploded, splashing layers of water. Immediately afterwards, the demon emperor raised his hands, and the lake water in the lake immediately rushed into the air. "Broken!" One word was spit out, and the lake water that flew into the air immediately burst open and scattered around.

   All the water in the lake was drained for a while. At the same time, in the lake, a huge rock ant beast also appeared in the sight of the two. The shape of the rock ant beast is almost the same as the rock ant beast killed by the demon emperor just now. The only difference is that its size is much larger. "This is... the Beastmaster?" Leng Xuan looked surprised, "Didn't you say there is only one Beastmaster?"

The    Demon Emperor frowned, "Could it be the male and female beastmasters?" Hearing his voice talking to himself, Leng Xuan asked in confusion, "What is the male and female beastmasters?"

"There is only one beastmaster in each population of the ant beast, but there is a very small chance that a male and a female beast king will be born. The so-called male and female beast kings are one female and one male, with a total of two heads. Among the ant beasts, many beast kings are born. They are all male, but there are also some female Beastmasters. Such female Beastmasters are very rare, even in the realm of the gods, female Beastmasters are rarely seen. Moreover, female Beastmasters have a very abnormal ability, the eggs it lays, Once they reach adulthood, they will become Beastmasters. After that, female Beastmasters will devour their own Beastmasters to increase their strength. Every time they eat a Beastmaster, their strength will be greatly improved.”

"Then this Beastmaster..." Before Leng Xuan's words were finished, the Demon Emperor had already taken over and said, "I am afraid that the strength of this female Beastmaster has surpassed that of Jinxian." Hearing this, Leng Xuan's heart suddenly sank. At rock bottom, "Is there any way you can deal with it?"

   "If it was back then, it wouldn't be a big problem, but now..." The Demon Emperor did not finish his words with a sullen face, but Leng Xuan understood what he meant. "What should I do now?" Leng Xuan frowned.

   "Go!" As soon as the voice fell, the demon emperor directly moved his body and galloped away to the sky. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help being stunned. He thought that the demon emperor would find a way to solve this beast king, but he didn't expect him to leave. Even the demon emperor left, he naturally did not dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly followed the demon emperor.

   However, they obviously underestimated their attraction to the female Beastmaster. But after hearing a low roar, the female Beastmaster rose up from the lake, swinging Pang Shuo's body, and chasing after the two of them.

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